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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2008 :  07:08:28  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
HCBTT says: Glad to see you are counting your wheats as copper now.

I listed it seperately and decided not to include it because I didn't know what others were doing in the forum. I deceided to include it because I got several high count wheats that my copper percentages were extremely low.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2008 :  07:18:02  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
Sorted 3 - $25 Brinks Boxes-Sealed
Date Inspected by Weight
20-Mar 173 14.35
20-Mar 173 14.40
31-Mar 45 14.65 *

* 13 loose bonus pennies inside this box.
They were loose when I picked up the box
and there where no rolls opened

2001 Copper-Including Wheats 26.7 %

12 Canadian CU
7 Canadian Other
25 Wheats 1917, 1919, 1919-S, 1934-D
3 Dimes
0 Indian Head
0 Other Foreign
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2008 :  07:22:17  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
[/size=1]HCBTT says: Glad to see you are counting your wheats as copper now.[/size=1]

I wanted to list wheats seperately just so everyone would know how I counted the coppers and I didn't know how if everyone was incding or excluding the wheats in the copper counts. I decided to include the wheats when I started doing the math on some of the posts and when I started getting some very high wheat counts in my boxes.
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4 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2008 :  20:41:16  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
$25 Brinks Box

59-81 CU 2,001
1982 CU 268
Wheat 29
Canadian CU 9
Dimes 3
Other 4
Total Keepers 2,314

A while back I got discourage with 6 zinc boxes, took everyones advice and stuck with it mainly with cwr. Just got back into boxes and was getting around 15%, down from 20% till it fell to zero. Then I got this box, what's goin' on? I expect maybe most people will see this surge in copper, just like we saw the surge of zinc.
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Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/26/2008 :  21:40:49  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
sorted 25,000

30.05% copper

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver
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6807 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  02:58:26  Show Profile Send HoardCopperByTheTon a Private Message
Managed to sneak in a little sorting today.

Finally got around to sorting the 100 rolls of CWR I picked up earlier this week.. First box had 1378 Coppers.. 55.12% Then it got better.. the next box had 1537 Coppers.. 61.48%!!! Combined total for the 2 boxes of CWR was 58.3%!!! I thought I had died and gone to Michigan! Now I knew I should stop after those 2 boxes and not spoil the percentage, but I am addicted to sorting.. so I cracked a few more boxes. Like I always say.. "If your percentages are high, just sort more" Interesting thing about those first 2 boxes.. there was not a single wheat or Canadian in either of them. Next box was a CWR box I picked up on a drive by this morning. Only 229 Coppers.. Ah, reality.

Sorting Report for today:
50,000 Coins - 20 boxes
11,760 Copper
12 darn dimes
1 Big Queen - That British piece that always jams the Ryedale.. LOL

Drive bys for today:
2 Boxes BWR and 1 Box CWR from a bank by the Farmers market in the next town I went to this morning.
28 Rolls CWR from Wells Fargo in Livermore.

If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.

Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
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6807 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  03:04:33  Show Profile Send HoardCopperByTheTon a Private Message
Originally posted by moboman

thanks HCBT, I assume brinks rolls are always the right size?

Nah.. sometimes they are short 1 and sometimes you get lucky and they have an extra 1.. LOL. But they are generally pretty close. I once thought I was going to somehow have a percentage less than 0% when I got a dud box and 1 of the rolls was short 1.

If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.

Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
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139 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  08:16:51  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
2 silver quarters from the 7-11 near my part of my change.
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Penny Pincher Member

135 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  12:50:52  Show Profile Send penniesmakemedizzy a Private Message
one box
6 wheats
6 canadian
1 blank planchet
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10 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  14:51:09  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
one 25$ box

459 Copper (18.4%)
3 Canadians (Bicenntineal & 51')
4 Wheats (lowest 45')
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6807 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  22:21:21  Show Profile Send HoardCopperByTheTon a Private Message
No sorting today. Went to a casino with the g/f so she wouldn't complain I am playing with pennies all the time. Won $120 playing Blackjack.. easier than sorting pennies.

Yesterday I was handrolling some pennies so I would have some to trade at work for the ones that come in the daily Loomis coin drop. If I swap them my machine rolled pennies they just send them back with one of our coin drops later in the week. If I send them hand rolled pennies they never send them back. I was feeling empathy for the guys that have to hand roll their zincs to return them to the bank.. what a pain hand rolling all those zincers. I was making little stacks and counting them up.. knocking over the stacks and having to start over. Finally I figured out a little better way to hand roll them. I just set the batch stop on one of my counters to 50 and had it count them out into a tray, then roll them. It spits out a batch of 50 in about 1 and a half seconds. To quote my favorite animated corpulant 3rd grader.. "Swwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!"

If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.

Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.

Edited by - HoardCopperByTheTon on 04/27/2008 22:40:58
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Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  22:51:50  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
10000 sorted

21.79% copper (I think I got my first dud box)

24 wheats

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2555 Posts

Posted - 04/27/2008 :  22:54:38  Show Profile Send moboman a Private Message
Originally posted by HoardCopperByTheTon

No sorting today. Went to a casino with the g/f so she wouldn't complain I am playing with pennies all the time. Won $120 playing Blackjack.. easier than sorting pennies.

Yesterday I was handrolling some pennies so I would have some to trade at work for the ones that come in the daily Loomis coin drop. If I swap them my machine rolled pennies they just send them back with one of our coin drops later in the week. If I send them hand rolled pennies they never send them back. I was feeling empathy for the guys that have to hand roll their zincs to return them to the bank.. what a pain hand rolling all those zincers. I was making little stacks and counting them up.. knocking over the stacks and having to start over. Finally I figured out a little better way to hand roll them. I just set the batch stop on one of my counters to 50 and had it count them out into a tray, then roll them. It spits out a batch of 50 in about 1 and a half seconds. To quote my favorite animated corpulant 3rd grader.. "Swwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!"

You lazy bum!
You could have used the Royal to count to 50 in the plastic tube and the drop them in a hand roll.

"99% of all lawyers give the rest of them a bad name"

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6807 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2008 :  00:10:12  Show Profile Send HoardCopperByTheTon a Private Message
LOL.. yeah, I could have done that.. but the Royal is at the office and I am at home. I used to do it that way before I got my first automatic rolling machine. Plus, the Glory counter counts out 50 in 1.5 seconds.. much faster than the Royal Sovereign.. and the bin holds a heck of a lot more zinc pennies. Hey, I got all these great machines.. I might as well use them. But you are right.. these machines have made me lazy.. I counted out 2 rolls by hand before I changed methods. Gave me an appreciation of how much work it is if you don't have machines.

If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.

Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
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Penny Pincher Member

234 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2008 :  03:43:45  Show Profile Send eharrison a Private Message
2500 sorted from local CR
Shotgun rolls
18.32% copper
1-canadian 1975

Freedom is popular
That's why I voted
Ron Paul!
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1964 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2008 :  17:19:11  Show Profile Send Bluegill a Private Message
Sorted 15,000

10,205 Zn
3916 Cu (includes 70 wheats, oldest being a '10-'17-'29) 26%
461 '82s
416 Canadian (3 kings, oldest a '38)
1 steel '43
1 dime
1 Zambia 1 NGWEE piece

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2008 :  21:06:03  Show Profile Send knibloe a Private Message
I had a good day today. I got the boot at bank near Syracuse, NY for not having an account. Then I stopped at another bank. The teller asked if I had an account and did not like the fact that I only hold one of their credit cards. She finally sold me $20. They were all marked 1960- large date, small date, "D" etc. I haven't looked at them all yet, but I believe that every roll was exactly as marked. 100% copper!

After looking at the rolls, I went right back in and asked for more. She had closed her window. She told me she had been holding onto them for a while waiting for the right person to come in. Thanks! I went to the next teller who was still open and got another $20 in CWR and they were just over 25%. I found a nice 1935. I also saw a silver half in her tray and bought it.

I'm going to go back to the bank tomorrow on my way back home.
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Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/28/2008 :  22:13:22  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
10,000 sorted

27.19% copper

24 wheats

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver
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Penny Pincher Member

234 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2008 :  03:10:43  Show Profile Send eharrison a Private Message
bought $50 from local main CR. My biggest single purchase yet! (to topeka this is peanuts
sorted first box. weight:15.6lb!! (beats the average by a full pound)
1000 copper @ 40%!!! Not counting wheat, and I still have about 30 1982 to sort through.)
found: 5 CAN oldest-1963
5 wheat oldest-.....1920 s mint mark! my oldest to date
The other box @ 14.6lb. will be sorted over the next day or two.

Freedom is popular
That's why I voted
Ron Paul!
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Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2008 :  07:58:01  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
Nice Box!

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver
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Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/29/2008 :  20:59:26  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
10,000 sorted

26.65% copper

23 wheats

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver
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Penny Pincher Member

234 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2008 :  01:45:38  Show Profile Send eharrison a Private Message
2nd box $25 local
520 copper 20.8% higher than normal
2 canadian '68 and a '52 who was looking at me from the end of a roll.
2 wheat both 1951 d

Freedom is popular
That's why I voted
Ron Paul!
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2164 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2008 :  03:33:13  Show Profile Send wolvesdad a Private Message
Best $50 bag so far? or at least in a while:
27.8% copper
of which 17 were wheat(that is average or above for me)
13 were Canadians
2 were Bahamian
And a partridge in a pear tree !!!!

"May your percentages ever increase!"
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Penny Hoarding Member

672 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2008 :  18:15:55  Show Profile Send aloneibreak a Private Message
latest $100 sort

3244 copper
6690 zinc
46 wheat ( including a 1922-d in AG )
18 canadian
1 bermuda 1 cent
1 panama un centesimo
1 plastic cent ( extra )

3244/10000 = 32.44%

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson
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6807 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2008 :  22:07:33  Show Profile Send HoardCopperByTheTon a Private Message
Had a pretty good day on drive bys today. Went to the grocery store to hoard some food since they had gound beef on sale for 1 day only at 99 cents a pound. While there I decided to stop at the in store bank and see if they had any pennies. They had 40 rolls for me.

Then as I was driving in to work I got one of those phone calls you just love to get on my cell. It was another bank wanting to know if I would like to buy some coin since they had a lot of rolls and wanted to get rid of them. I swung by there on the way to work and picked up 100 CWR pennies, 20 CWR nickels, 40 CWR dimes, 7 CWR quarters and 1 bright shiny new roll of 2004 Michagan quarters! And they even gave me 2 nice canvas bank bags to carry it all out in!

If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.

Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
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