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 What do your wifes think about this scheme?
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9 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  08:59:01  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I know that was sexist I am sure there are women hoarders. But what do your wifes think about this scheme?

Penny Pincher Member

124 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  09:08:35  Show Profile Send MaDeuce a Private Message
Originally posted by silver1234

I know that was sexist I am sure there are women hoarders. But what do your wifes think about this scheme?

My wife thought I was insane. In fact, I thought I was insane for a long time too! However, when I started selling the Canadian nickels I had been harvesting, she quickly decided that I was a genius. Well, that may be an overstatement, but at least she wasn't trying to get me committed.

Seriously, I have never seen anything that "looked too good to be true" that wasn't really too good to be true. But, I kept doing research and testing, and eventually proved to myself that Gresham's law was alive and well in Canada. When nickel prices were $20+ last year, it was a very exciting time.

I have some other related schemes, uh, I mean profitable business ventures, in the early stages right now. I'd never be able to attack them as seriously as I am if my wife had not seen me making money on nickel.

You guys that are hoarding pennies have a much tougher row to hoe, I think. You have not hit a proof-point yet, but you will. The only question is how soon, and will your wife kick you out before then...


P.S. There were a few females on the list last year. For whatever reason, they seemed to listen rather than talk. Not sure if they are still around or not. It would be interesting to have a beer with a female hoarder, I suspect they are different in some way from the average woman (note -- I am not criticizing "average" women in any way), but I can't put my finger on what I think the difference would be.

Edited by - MaDeuce on 02/07/2008 09:11:49
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Penny Hoarding Member

672 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  09:48:12  Show Profile Send aloneibreak a Private Message
my old lady actually tolerates it well. she knows coins are my thing and likes to see me excited about something. every now and again she'll look through a few rolls with me and she has taken some zincs back for me a time or two. ive found as long as im careful about when i sort im ok. if she starts talking - i stop sorting. :) i think she'd rather know i was up late sorting than out at the bar.

like madeuce said -- we have not hit a "proof-point" yet. even though im not making any "money" yet - im definately not losing anything.

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson
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912 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  09:49:25  Show Profile Send fiatboy a Private Message
My gf thinks I'm crazy, but she admits that's she's crazier, so it's ok. She actually has a small coin collection of her own---mostly pressed pennies and coins with animals on them and discount foreign coins---so she kind of understands.

Primarily, she sees that coins make me happy and keep me out of trouble. Although the constant trips to the bank drive her a little mad sometimes, she's supportive. If she gets a wheat penny, she gives it to me, and she's even found me some silver before, so at least I know that she knows what to look for. haha.

"Bart, it's not about how many stocks you have, it's about how much copper wire you can get out of the building." --- Homer Simpson
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43 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  10:08:03  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
My wife thought I was totally insane but she is coming around.

I have an advantage because I already hoard other things and already fought this battle before with my wife, so she was somewhat desensitised when I started hoarding coins.

Here are some tips that I found work:

What made a big difference for me was I explained to her the concept of coin inflation in great detail and used some junk silver as an example for her to visually see. I explained the story behind junk silver and pointed it out as an example of what could happen to the base metal coins as well.

I tried to encourage her to think of my hoarding more as a hobby and not as a "get rich quick scheme" which is how I think the women mistakenly tend to see it. I even try to get her interested by sharing with her the occasional odd and old coins, she seems interested to see coins from odd places and old ones. Now I tell her when I'm going off to sort pennies that I'm going "treasure hunting" and now she just smiles rather then rolling her eyes.

Another winning argument was that it is a "no lose" hobby. You still have the face value of the coins in addition to protection from inflation and deflation as well. I explained to my wife that there are a lot worse hobbies to have then hoarding coins, you know ones that actually cost money and not just time and some storage space.

It's also a good idea to follow the rule of "out of sight out of mind" when hoarding. Try to stay low key. The less she has to look at the hoard the less she will object to it, eventually she gets use to it.

It also helps to have a sense of humor about it. Let your wife laugh and make jokes at what you are doing, just play along. In the end if the hoard pays off you will be the one laughing and then making jokes about her doubting you in the first place.

Edited by - n/a on 02/07/2008 10:13:01
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Penny Hoarding Member

651 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  10:42:07  Show Profile Send starwarsgeek171 a Private Message
My wife calls me the "Penny Man." She tolerates it.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

3890 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  12:10:46  Show Profile Send NotABigDeal a Private Message
My girlfriend takes it well. It keeps me home....except for the bank trips.


Live free or die.
Plain and simple.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your council or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams
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Penny Collector Member

289 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  13:59:50  Show Profile Send cyberdan a Private Message
My wife thinks it is funny. Says I could make more money working part time at McD. (probably could, but would hate it) But, she tolerates it and seems interested when I show her something real old or odd.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

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Posted - 02/07/2008 :  14:21:58  Show Profile Send horgad a Private Message
My wife to date has picked up over 300 boxes of pennies for me. However, she recently cut me off and said no more until I work through a chunk of my reserves. I cry every time that I see my unsorted stash shrinking (I can't pick-up enough to keep up with my sorting without help), but she just laughs and says I still have plenty left. So cruel...
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Know Common Cents
Penny Pincher Member

195 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  14:30:56  Show Profile Send Know Common Cents a Private Message
Not like rock climbing or auto racing, I guess. My wife is generally tolerant of my hoarding as she says there's no way to hurt myself doing this. Actually, she's wrong though. While carrying a heavy bag of Zinkers the other day (too much snow to even use a cart to get them into the bank)I slipped on an icy patch. I had instant visions of thousands of cents being dumped all over the parking lot in the ice and snow as gravity took over. I protected the cents, but twisted my back in the process. I just told her that I slipped on the ice (not a lie) and my back was hurting. Here's one thing I learned, though, (besides the obvious heavy bag and ice thing) that it's very impractical to sort rolls of pennies while lying on a heating pad. Oh well, lesson learned. After all, I'm Know Common Cents. LOL

Here in Wisconsin, we have some of the highest property and gasoline taxes in the US. We're squeezed so much, I have to make my daughter wear penny boxes for shoes. At least she has an endless supply.
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Penny Pincher Member

212 Posts

Posted - 02/07/2008 :  20:53:39  Show Profile Send PennyProspector a Private Message
My wife rolls her eyes and makes jokes about me gathering my pennies and getting phone calls on my cell phone from my girl friends (Banks Tellers) telling me that they have some bags for me.... But, in the end.. if anyone else make the comment she is quick to point out that Creative people are often labeled as nuts until they succeed and then they are labeled "lucky" she normally tells them I have always done things that others have not understood and always came out a winner!

I think all of the penny hoarder women have to have a little saint like qualities in them.

Happy Prospecting!
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Art Tatum
Penny Collector Member

400 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2008 :  02:25:18  Show Profile Send Art Tatum a Private Message

my machine is running!
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Penny Collector Member

451 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2008 :  10:32:41  Show Profile Send Hirbonzig a Private Message
My wife is o.k. with it as long as it is making money here and now. The copper part of the operation she sees no value to it unless I find old wheat cents that are worth something. She does enjoy the time I spend with my daughter looking thru pennies. Looking for silver is whole different thing, she loves to look thru halves with me and gets excited when we find silver.

I can explain Gresham's law ad nauseam to her, but to no avail. If pennies were worth 5 cents each that might change her mind.
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15 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2008 :  17:37:18  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I have the best GF in the world. She doesnt really sort anywhere near my speed but she rolls the zincs back into the tube for me. Like several have noted it keeps me out of trouble and I'll take that advice to pause when she talks !
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Penny Collector Member

419 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2008 :  21:27:08  Show Profile Send c140cessna a Private Message
Let your gals understand the problem of a failing Fiat Money and the potential risk it can cause to their family and her instinctive powers will cause her to become a hoarder of pennies/food/survival items...
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts

Posted - 03/22/2008 :  21:43:53  Show Profile Send knibloe a Private Message
My wife is pretty good about it. She actually asked me how much a ryedale costs the other day. I almost have her convinced. Is it unpatriotic to use my stimulis money for a ryedale?

Yesterday we were sorting halves together and I snuck a silver half in a roll she was going to sort. That went a long way towards keeping her enthusiasm up.

Also, she has seen me make money on halves that I have sorted, so the penny deal wasn't a hard sell.
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Penny Collector Member

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Posted - 03/22/2008 :  22:12:54  Show Profile  Send wheeler_dealer a Yahoo! Message Send wheeler_dealer a Private Message
This "scheme" of mine is keeping me home and out of trouble. It has replaced other bad, expensive habits and she appreciates that. She understands as much as she wants to understand about why I choose to buy-sort-save. Like other ventures I have undertaken that have been winners she realizes the potential is long term and as already said " a penny is still a penny" . Someday we all may laugh on the way to the bank.
P.S. I tell her this is my part time job. I just choose no to draw a salary yet.
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Penny Collector Member

364 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  00:10:53  Show Profile Send lukeownzu a Private Message
Originally posted by starwarsgeek171

My wife calls me the "Penny Man." She tolerates it.

The bank teller calls me penny boy, and my sister penny boy's sister. Not sure what my wife thinks about it, since I don't have one, nor what my girlfriend thinks about it, since I don't have one either.
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Penny Collector Member

471 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  08:35:38  Show Profile Send WilliamC a Private Message
Originally posted by silver1234

I know that was sexist I am sure there are women hoarders. But what do your wifes think about this scheme?

Well wife number one thinks I'm crazy but as I've done other overboard things in the past she is tolerant. She will be more accepting as soon as she sees evidence that I can actually sell copper for a profit; until then it's just another hobby I've become obsessed with.

Wife number two really doesn't care one way or the other as she isn't involved in the household finances. She just doesn't want me making a huge mess in her dining room.

Wife number three is actually a little bit interested. She's even willing to help a bit with looking through the coppers for wheats.


What, do you think we're in Kuwait or something? Or that our copper sales enable us to support multiple households?

One wife is all I can handle, and don't even get me started on the kids!

heh heh.

edit: yes I suppose wives is the plural of wife, not wifes, but I'm just trying to be funny.

Sorting In Northwest Mississippi

Edited by - WilliamC on 03/23/2008 14:09:55
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  09:03:55  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
The title of the question probably should be spouse or significant other to cover everyone, but this penny hoarding is definitely a male dominated subject.

My wife thought it was kind of silly, but then started helping with hand sorting and doing the dumping early in the process. She liked it because she was keeping the cash and then spending it, instead of me reinvesting it. She quickly grew tired of the dumping and I couldn't afford her to do it any more. She no longer participates, but barely tolerates it. I have been given an ultimatum - "You need to start selling these pennies or they are going to get cashed in at face value". If I don't have some significant sales in 2008 she is going to end my penny hoarding on a horrible note. I've yet to offer any of my stash for sale. The clock is ticking........ more to come later.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

3890 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  10:16:33  Show Profile Send NotABigDeal a Private Message
Originally posted by Tourney64

The title of the question probably should be spouse or significant other to cover everyone, but this penny hoarding is definitely a male dominated subject.

My wife thought it was kind of silly, but then started helping with hand sorting and doing the dumping early in the process. She liked it because she was keeping the cash and then spending it, instead of me reinvesting it. She quickly grew tired of the dumping and I couldn't afford her to do it any more. She no longer participates, but barely tolerates it. I have been given an ultimatum - "You need to start selling these pennies or they are going to get cashed in at face value". If I don't have some significant sales in 2008 she is going to end my penny hoarding on a horrible note. I've yet to offer any of my stash for sale. The clock is ticking........ more to come later.

Man-o-man....Anywhere else to stash them? (Pennies, not the wives....)


Live free or die.
Plain and simple.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your council or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams
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Penny Hoarding Member

894 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  10:32:28  Show Profile Send Ant a Private Message
Originally posted by Tourney64

I have been given an ultimatum - "You need to start selling these pennies or they are going to get cashed in at face value".

Oh no! You can't let that happen, think of all your work! Tell her if the pennies disappear, so will her favorite _______________ (insert her favorite item of value here).

Lovely dimes, the liveliest coin, the one that really jingles. --Truman Capote

Coins are the metallic footprints of the history of nations. --William H. Woodin
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Penny Hoarding Member

894 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  10:42:45  Show Profile Send Ant a Private Message
As a female copper hoarder, I have to say that my husband doesn't mind my weird habit. In fact, he might tell you that sorting pennies is one of the least weird things I do. He thinks it is much safer than the horses, Know Common Cents' story notwithstanding, of course! I sort 4 boxes a week with a 20% copper percentage ("success rate"), so my habit only takes $80 per month (20 x 4) out of our cash flow, so it's a pretty inexpensive hobby.

I am lucky to have such a tolerant guy. Mr. Ant is the best.

Lovely dimes, the liveliest coin, the one that really jingles. --Truman Capote

Coins are the metallic footprints of the history of nations. --William H. Woodin
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Penny Hoarding Member

894 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  10:43:47  Show Profile Send Ant a Private Message
Next on "Oprah": Female Copper Hoarders (and the Men Who Love Them)

Lovely dimes, the liveliest coin, the one that really jingles. --Truman Capote

Coins are the metallic footprints of the history of nations. --William H. Woodin
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Penny Hoarding Member

602 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  19:33:50  Show Profile Send Cody8404 a Private Message
My wife thinks I am nuts, but she figures as I am not loosing money it is better than other hobbies I have lost money on like gambling, drinking or driving race cars. So she lets me keep it up.

Awake, O kings of the earth! Come ye, O, come ye, with your gold and your silver, to the help of my people, to the house of the daughters of Zion, to the help of the people of the God of this Land even Jesus Christ.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 03/23/2008 :  20:34:28  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
I will definitely sell some this year, just to meet my end of the bargain. My setup is in my basement. We are going to finish our basement, and the sorting will need to be delayed while it happens, and my unlimited space may be significantly reduced after it's done. I'll also use some of the $ for the basement finishing.
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