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 Searching for circulated LMC Varieties and Errors
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1507 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2009 :  10:46:06  Show Profile Send JobIII a Private Message
Hi Everyone,

I've been finding a lot of wide AMs (1998 + 2000), some 1995 DDO's. But the quality of these coins may not be much better than XF. Most of the free coin value guides online, make holding such coins seem like a waste of time.

Also the DDO 1997 ear, and the DDR 1994 column - I'm interested to see where other people stand. For or against searching and collecting these or not even looking for them. Personally i've never seen the 1994 DDR, and I feel like i've found the 1997 ddo with a loupe but never held after a second look with a microscope.

Are any of these LMC variety or error types even worth anything in circulated condition?


Selling Copper cents. $0 FV available at 1.4xFV. Also interested in trading for wheat pennies and other coins Please pm me for requests or inquiries.

1000+ Penny Miser Member

1664 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2009 :  11:36:51  Show Profile Send daviscfad a Private Message
i also search zincs for varietys. To me its not a waste of time b/c i enjoy the hunt! The 1995 DDO is not worth much in a MS grade. As far as the 98 and 2000 wide AM we really dont know how many are out there to know of value. I feel like down the road "when there not being found anymore" even the vf-ef wide AMs will command a premium. as far as the 94ddr 83ddr 84 doubled earlobe they command a premium in lower grades. the 97 doubled earlobe is to me hard to distinguish as it is and may never carry a big premium in circulated condition

Inquiring minds want to know
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G Powerbuck
Penny Collector Member

256 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2009 :  13:29:02  Show Profile Send G Powerbuck a Private Message
I also always look because I enjoy the hunt. Every time I find one I get excited. I just look for the 83 ddr, 84 doubled earlobe, 1992 close AM, 1998, 1999, and 2000 Wide A M. I was thinking of stopping at one point, but then I found the 1999 wide A M. A dealer told me it was worth around $300, and I haven't thought of stopping since. I sort for the enjoyment of the hunt, and it doesn't take much more time to search for these 6 errors.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1304 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2009 :  16:02:11  Show Profile Send oober a Private Message
Have anyone sold any of these errors for huge bucks?
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1572 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2009 :  18:39:13  Show Profile Send PreservingThePast a Private Message
I, too, enjoy the search/hunt for errors, etc. when I am hand searching my pennies, and other coins.

Last year I was able to sell 16 of the 1998 and 2000 Wide AM pennies for $32.00 and these were all pulled from rolls and not too bad looking but not in uncirculated condition either.

Now, granted, that is not a huge sum of money. But, I'd love to have that same rate of return on other funds that are currently invested.

One cent cost to a $2.00 sold price...anyone out there know how to figure the percent earned on this investment???

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2856 Posts

Posted - 07/08/2009 :  19:20:13  Show Profile Send fb101 a Private Message
Best I've done personally was $41 for a 1995 ddo NGC graded at ms63. Others here have found 83ddo's which have fetched $200+.
I'm holding a 2006 ddo just picked up a week ago. Who knows $25? What the heck, it'll be $25 more to hoard that doesn't come out of my pocket. I have done better with dollar coins, but I still check a lot of LMCs.

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1507 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2009 :  20:38:57  Show Profile Send JobIII a Private Message
Thanks for the replies! I think i'll be holding on to all of the errors and varieties that i find. Though it's official. Last night I gave up looking for the 1994 and the 1997 errors. I had about 50 dollars in each year pre-sorted. And I just said enough. I haven't started looking for the 2006 DDO's yet. I'm going back to search for the 1984 ddo's & the small dates in the Cu years.


Selling Copper cents. $0 FV available at 1.4xFV. Also interested in trading for wheat pennies and other coins Please pm me for requests or inquiries.

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