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 44 Posts |
Posted - 02/04/2007 : 10:39:41
Do you think there is anyway to get some money out of all the holiday tins that are aquired in a season or two?

132 Posts |
Posted - 02/04/2007 : 12:06:28
You would expend more money in gas by taking them for recycle in scrap value.
Some people collect tins.
Save for a few years then sell as collectable.
Have seen old ammo box's and tins sell for booo-kooo bucks on ebay as well as old mobil-oil products signs,tins and other memorabilia.
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance." James Madison |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 02/04/2007 : 14:34:41
Yes, those tins are mostly steel, so scrap value would be low. Also, since they're hollow, they take up a lot of space!
As for myself, I do keep a few around as storage containers. I'm looking for one large enough to put my Icom 735 shortwave transciever in. . . just in case of EMP attack.
Metalophile |

132 Posts |
Posted - 02/04/2007 : 18:11:56
Hey Metalophile what are the dimentions of the box you would need ?
So all of us can keep an eye out for one you could use.

479 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2007 : 09:37:56
Should we start dicussing EMP here, or sart a new thread called EMP?
"Financially, the US economy has degenerated into a sort of cargo cult, where people feel that they can continue to attract recycled petrodollars by dancing around piles of internet servers with their cell phones and their laptops."
-Dmitry Orlov |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 02/05/2007 : 12:49:37
I'll think about posting under WTSHTF. Don't have time today, though . . .
Metalophile |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2007 : 21:34:36
My shortwave ham transciever is 11 1/2" x 9 1/2" x 4 1/2". Too big to fit into a standard sized popcorn tin, at least the sized tin most stores were selling last year. Right now I'm just storing it in a metal file cabinet when not in use (which is most of the time).
Metalophile |
Penny Sorter Member

79 Posts |
Posted - 02/08/2007 : 22:22:31
What does EMP do just short out the battery or would it cause the whole thing not to work? Storing batteries in these the spare fridge sounds like a pretty ingenious idea actually...
Long live the idiots at the Mint! |
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