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Posted - 01/18/2007 :  21:01:49  Show Profile Send LarryB a Private Message
Hey folks, does anyone know how many pennys it would take to weigh a pound. To add a scent of spice, I'll mention right now that's a lb in grains, I'm lookin' 4 here by the way. O.K. Yer up!


Gettin' Rich... Slowly


1000+ Penny Miser Member

2209 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2007 :  21:29:35  Show Profile Send pencilvanian a Private Message
This calculation is for the US penny, but it should be close for the Canadian Penny too.

One US Penny=3.1 grams

453.59237 grams = 1 aoirdupois lb or 7000 grains

146 US pennies @ 3.1 grams = 452.6 grams or 6984.685391 grains
or 0.997812199 of a pound (sorry I didn't calculate it into ounces)

147 US Pennies @ 3.1 grams = 455.7 grams or 7032.525701 grains
or 1.004646529 of a pound.

figures of pound to grams to grains courtesy of the book
"How to Invest In Gold Coins"
By Donald J. Hoppe
The book teaches more than what gold coins to buy.

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Penny Collector Member

320 Posts

Posted - 01/18/2007 :  21:30:47  Show Profile Send Metalophile a Private Message
It depends on what percentage coppers and what percentage zincs. Coppers weigh about 3.1 grams, and zincs about 2.5 grams. One pound is about 453.5 grams. Therefore if you have all coppers it's about 146 pennies per pound. If they're all zincs, it comes out to about 181 pennies per pound.

If you assume 25% coppers and 75% zincs, then you get 453.5/((0.25*3.1)+(0.75*2.5)) = 435.5/2.65 = about 164 pennies per pound.

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New Member

24 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2007 :  06:37:46  Show Profile Send LarryB a Private Message
Originally posted by pencilvanian

This calculation is for the US penny, but it should be close for the Canadian Penny too.

One US Penny=3.1 grams

453.59237 grams = 1 aoirdupois lb or 7000 grains

146 US pennies @ 3.1 grams = 452.6 grams or 6984.685391 grains
or 0.997812199 of a pound (sorry I didn't calculate it into ounces)

147 US Pennies @ 3.1 grams = 455.7 grams or 7032.525701 grains
or 1.004646529 of a pound.

figures of pound to grams to grains courtesy of the book
"How to Invest In Gold Coins"
By Donald J. Hoppe
The book teaches more than what gold coins to buy.

Kool! Thank you for the very accurate reply, Pencilvanian! That's pretty well exactly what I was lookin' for. Much appreciated!


Gettin' Rich... Slowly

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Penny Sorter Member

79 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2007 :  11:52:21  Show Profile  Send Ridewithme38 an AOL message  Send Ridewithme38 a Yahoo! Message Send Ridewithme38 a Private Message
How would that work if you just wanted to concider the copper weight in a many pennies would it take to give you a pound of copper...i'm assuming this is what the scrap yards are more likely to go by?

would it be that 147 cents plus 5%? or 154-155??

Long live the idiots at the Mint!

Edited by - Ridewithme38 on 02/10/2007 11:53:26
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2209 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2007 :  12:13:22  Show Profile Send pencilvanian a Private Message
I think you would need 154 pre 82 cents to equal a little over one pound of just copper, not including the tin/zinc in the cents.
$1.54 in cents for $2.50 a pound in copper, not bad if you can find a buyer.
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