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 New Dollar Coin Drops the word Liberty
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479 Posts

Posted - 02/13/2007 :  00:48:29  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
Every Coin currently emitted by the US Mint has the word LIBERTY on it.

Not so the new dollar coins with the Statue of Liberty and President's Faces.

Are they omitting the word liberty for a reason?

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Penny Collector Member

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Posted - 02/13/2007 :  08:36:50  Show Profile Send Metalophile a Private Message
There was an article on a while back (a.k.a. making a ruckus over removing "E Pluribus Unum" and "In God We Trust" and "relegating" these inscriptions to the edge of the coins. I didn't notice until you mentioned it that "Liberty" was left out altogether. Although, one could argue that "Liberty" is included implicitly with the image of the Statue of Liberty. Perhaps there is a tiny "Liberty" inscribed on the torch? I can't see enough detail to tell in the mint's images at

Actually I think putting "E Pluribus Unum" and "In God We Trust" on the edge along with the date and mint mark is clever. I think more folks are likely to look at the edge lettering and actually read it since it is a novelty.

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Penny Hoarding Member

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Posted - 02/13/2007 :  08:43:48  Show Profile Send Cerulean a Private Message
The reason They give is that the image of the Statue of Liberty is emblematic of the word 'liberty' itself. One cannot see that Statue and not think of 'liberty'.

Nurismatic societies have complained repeatedly about the amount of text mandated by law on US coins. Congress requires on each design:
"Liberty" (with the notable exception mentioned above)
"United States of America"
"E Pluribus Unum"
"In God We Trust"
denomination (commonly spelled out rather than a numeral)
year of mintage

That's a lot of text! For example, a pre-1999 quarter has 71 alphanumeric characters on it! Text cramps designs, wears out dies, and makes the coin more language-dependant. This is what prompted the new dollar coins to have edge lettering, removing most of the text so that more face area is liberated for larger designs. Replacing the word 'liberty' with an image synonymous with liberty is another step in that direction.

If that New York statue wasn't on the reverse, the Mint would be busted for violating a Congressional mandate.

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