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 8 Posts |
Posted - 10/16/2006 : 21:14:57
Has anyone tried getting neighbors to save aluminum cans for them?
I was thinking about handing out flyers or something and see if anyone is intrested in saving them for me and then I would do like a monthly pickup. Obviously this would not work in a deposit state where evryone turns in their own cans. Also I guess I am not as old as most of you so I might have a better shot at doing this because people might be more likely to help out a young person then full grown adult.
But anyway has anyone tried something like this? I mean if I could get around 15 people who regulary drink soda/beer I could make a lot every month. Any suggestions on how to ask people?
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 10/17/2006 : 07:53:12
My local city government does exactly that. They give us "free" recycling bins, then tell us they only want newspaper and aluminum cans. Since I'm lazy, and my wife doesn't like nasty old aluminum cans around (otherwise I'd collect them in a big bag myself), I just put our cans in the bin and the city picks them up every week. You might well find some neighbors who will do that for you.
Another reason you can give them to not throw their aluminum cans away is that recycling aluminum saves a lot of energy. It takes a lot of electricity to refine aluminum, and the more aluminum that is recycled contributes to our nation's energy independence.
Metalophile |

8 Posts |
Posted - 10/17/2006 : 14:51:18
Yes I understand the city does this but what I'm saying is get people to hold them out seperately for me. |

73 Posts |
Posted - 10/17/2006 : 17:29:48
I know that once you put your garbage on the curb it is legal for anyone to sort through it and look at it. It is considered public at that point.
Anyone think the same is true for recylables? Now, I highly doubt I'd do it, and I'm guessing you can't as the town probably actually makes money on recycling aluminum, but would it legally fall under the same law as garbage? Where I live in the spring you can put pretty much anything out, old tv's, couches, whatever. That's just once a year but people go out and pick through them.
I think I'd look too much like the creepy guy down the street if I were taking everyone's aluminum cans but would it be legal? Any thoughts? That'd prevent you from having to ask your neighbors to do it for you, just go take it  |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

2209 Posts |
Posted - 10/17/2006 : 17:52:04
Hi jblavit,
I used to get cans from neighbors of mine by asking them nicely. It depends on your neighbors, really. If they see you are trying to earn a couple of bucks for your efforts they might be willing, but it might be best to do a weekly pickup instead of monthly. People won’t like the idea of having to keep their dirty ol’ cans lying around for a whole month, but for a week, they might do it for you. If you can get a hold of some sturdy but cheap buckets for your neighbors to keep their aluminum cans in, and suggest they keep the buckets someplace out of the house so it won’t make a mess, (a garage, a shed, behind the house, etc.) you might have better success.
One good selling point for your recycling effort that helps your neighbors, the less metal in the landfill, the longer the landfill stays open, the longer a time the cost of trash hauling stays the same/ doesn’t go up so at least one tax your neighbors pay will stay the same.
Make your neighbors see that they can save tax wise with recycling and they might be even more willing to save up cans for you. |
just carl
Penny Hoarding Member

601 Posts |
Posted - 12/18/2006 : 21:24:19
Just doesn't work with many people. Either to lazy, stupid or just don't care. There is a man near me that collects Aluminum cans for his church. So I put two garbage cans on each side of my property and asked everyone if they don't want them, put the cans in those garbage cans and I'll bag them and give them to that guy that collects them for his church. One neighbor out of at least ten have done that and only on rare occations. I go and ask why they won't help out and put the cans in there and they usually say Oh I forgot. After about ten Oh I forgots, I catch on they just don't care.
Carl |

9 Posts |
Posted - 01/16/2007 : 21:54:37
Its actually ileagle to take cans from recycle bins because they belong to the city. Do I care? No. |

2 Posts |
Posted - 01/30/2007 : 00:34:36
Hey Meta, I read somewhere it takes 90-95% more energy to extract and refine aluminum than it does to recycle existing aluminum! I'm making a little cupola furnace to melt down anything from lead to iron so when I go to the recycling depot, I do just the opposite, I gorge and feast on all the aluminum pots and pans, trays and stainless steel ware that gets tossed in the huge bins and fill up my car, hehe.

78 Posts |
Posted - 01/31/2007 : 12:06:16
One way to get a tiny bit of additional money from cans is to remove the pull tabs. You can sell those on ebay for 1 cent each (usually 2500 for $25 or something similar). I think people use then for arts & crafts or something. |
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