A friend of mine works in the high end of the welding field. He welds exotic alloys and when they are done with the welding rod, there is a "stub" left over. These are swept up and thrown in the trash. Some of these alloys are over 90% nickel and they use hundreds of pounds a week in welding products at his factory. He is now keeping the "stubs" in a coffee can and bringing them home, with the permission of his company. They think he's nuts but he's getting around 15 pounds of "stubs" per week and he collects them from other welding stations in the plant on his breaks. They all have a number code on them that tells the exact alloy. He says he's selling them when he gets a couple hundred pounds or so . I'll keep you posted as to what price, if any, he gets for them from the local scrap guys. At almost $1.00 and OUNCE for pure nickel, this metal is now extremely desirable. Check out the link above for nickel welding rod types. FWIW