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Penny Pincher Member

126 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2008 :  20:11:00  Show Profile Send davycoppit a Private Message
Forgive me if this has already been talked about.

Could zinc ever be worth more than copper? I don't reacall this questioin coming up. I save my zinc pennies as well as the copper ones. Does anybody think that the zinc pennies could someday be worth more than the copper ones?

Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2008 :  20:16:07  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
It could but I doubt it. I once read (and posted here) that the world would be out of Zinc in something like 30 or 50 years. But would it be out of copper sooner? I'm hoarding my stinker zincers too. disclosure. Please read.
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Penny Sorter Member

53 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2008 :  20:24:31  Show Profile Send terminal99 a Private Message
Right now, I would spend the zinc. Unless sometime in the future there is a use for zinc that drives up demand more than copper, I think copper will always be worth more than zinc. I think one day zinc will be worth what copper is worth now but that might be 20 or 30 years. By then who knows what copper will be worth - $20/ pound? That would make a copper penny worth about 13 cents.

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Penny Collector Member

399 Posts

Posted - 04/16/2008 :  21:21:48  Show Profile Send psi a Private Message
I find it a bit hard to imagine some future use for zinc that would make it more sought after than copper. Any ideas? Copper seems pretty unique in that it is very conductive but not rare like silver or gold. Zinc doesn't really strike me as being special in the same way.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1641 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2008 :  07:55:27  Show Profile Send horgad a Private Message
Zinc is a crappy metal that corrodes too fast. It has its uses, but in most applications its main advantage is that it is cheap compared to other metals. Take away the cheap part and people will stop using it.

I am not saying that it can't go up, but its price is going to follow other metals not lead them.

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Penny Hoarding Member

993 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2008 :  10:25:19  Show Profile Send Cerulean a Private Message
Originally posted by horgad

Zinc is a crappy metal that corrodes too fast. It has its uses, but in most applications its main advantage is that it is cheap compared to other metals. Take away the cheap part and people will stop using it.

I am not saying that it can't go up, but its price is going to follow other metals not lead them.

In fact, the most common uses for zinc are because it corrodes so well:
---anti-corrosion anodes

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2565 Posts

Posted - 04/17/2008 :  10:36:37  Show Profile Send misteroman a Private Message
Ardent,come up here to NY and pick up there 100K of zincs I have sitting there and ya can hoard them.I'll even trade ya 3 Z for 1 CU!!!

Buying CU cents!!!! Paying 1.2 unlimited amounts wanted. Can pick up if near Ohio area.
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