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Penny Collector Member
382 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2008 : 19:17:15
I am planning on taking a vacation to Michigan to do some sorting. I have run into a problem, however: none of the banks I bank with down here have any branches in Michigan. I could do drive bys, open a BofA account when I get there (which is something I did not want to do yet), or make up t a true story.
Any other suggestions or ideas?
Penny Pincher Member

174 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2008 : 19:18:04
My dump bank doesn't even require an account to dump, and some banks don't require accounts to buy smaller amounts of coin/ |
Pennies For Sale: |
Penny Collector Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 04/11/2008 : 21:06:40
Also, which banks should avoid (dump banks, that is)? |
Penny Pincher Member

234 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2008 : 02:25:03
I walk into banks all around town and get $25 boxes all the time. (with only one refusal at a bank that catered to a different race of clients) |
Freedom is popular That's why I voted Ron Paul! |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2008 : 07:42:13
I travel a lot and get pennies and halves all the time from lots of diferent banks. I do get refused, but keep going. We are going on a small vacation next week and I am stocking up on pennies to hand sort in the car while my wife is driving. |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2008 : 09:53:15
Coming soon.. The Travel Ryedale.. you just plug it into the car cigarette lighter. |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
Penny Sorter Member

65 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2008 : 10:29:39
Last week I was on the road with my job, and winded up spending Wednesday night in a small town in west Texas. To keep myself out of the bars and away from loose women, I stopped in at the local bank in town and bought $10 of pennies, and had a real pleasant evening sorting them.
18.9% copper, including two Canadian coppers. They were sure a long way from home. |
Penny Collector Member

471 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2008 : 18:19:20
I took my car to be worked on last Friday, up in Southaven 'bout 25 miles north of where I live.
The shop loaned me a car and I did drive buys on 6 or 7 new banks (well, new for me at least).
Only one bank, First Tennessee, refused to sell me pennies because "they don't exchange currency for non-customers".
Like I'm trying to sell them pesos or something. Sheese.
But I got 3 $50 bags, several bank boxes, and enough customer rolled coins to total $300.
Not bad for a spare hour and a half which would otherwise been spent sitting in a waiting room. |
Sorting In Northwest Mississippi |
Penny Pincher Member

222 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2008 : 19:07:39
I'm pretty sure that there are a few TCF banks in Michigan but i do not know where. |
Penny Hoarding Member

851 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2008 : 22:37:28
I get roll all the time at whatever bank I happen to be near. One told me they only do it for account holders, but gave me a few anyway. I haven't tried to get anything bigger. It's not suprising though, around here some banks won't even cash a check drawn on their own establishment if you don't have an account there!! |
Are you throwing that out? |
Penny Collector Member

289 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 12:17:48
quote: Originally posted by eharrison
(with only one refusal at a bank that catered to a different race of clients)
I am not usually a politically correct person.
Could this "different race of clients" happen to come from a country that has a lot of problems with an Olympic torch right now? 
I have nothing but problems out here with those banks. Now a different set of banks (hint, everyone has the last name of Kim) is the friendliest and helpful of banks. Always halves, big dollars and silver. |
Penny Pincher Member

150 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 13:45:47
quote: Originally posted by WilliamC
Only one bank, First Tennessee, refused to sell me pennies because "they don't exchange currency for non-customers".
Like I'm trying to sell them pesos or something. Sheese.
Don't feel bad. The only time I've ever gotten pennies from First Tennessee, I thought I was free and clear. Once I got outside the head teller ran out and asked me if I had an account. I told her no, and she told me not to come back again. She didn't even phrase it in a polite manner. She just said "don't come back for pennies again". Great customer service. |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 14:21:53
Don't you just love banks like that? This is why there is a bank on every corner.. If one doesn't treat you right, you just walk across the street.
Friday night I had to go to some company dinner we were putting on for some politicians in the town next to where I work. Got there about the same time as my boss and parking was jammed. So we are cruising around the parking lot looking for a space. I spot this bank in the same parking lot that I had never been too. It is about 5 minutes to 6 so I find a space and hop out of my car. My boss tells me later at the dinner that she knew exactly where I was headed as soon as I stepped out of the car.. she saw the bank too. I go in and ask for pennies, halves and big dollars. They have a few rolls of pennies.. then they ask me if I have an account there. I tell them "Not yet, I always check out a bank to see how friendly they are before I open an account there. They gave up 10 BWR and 6 CWR pennies. The copper percentages were a little better than average on these rolls.
Later at the dinner I was talking with the Vice Mayor of one of the cities and he tells me he has 3/4ths of an Alhambra bottle filled with pennies. Of course I tell him that I would be happy to convert that into folding money for him. So he will be bringing it by the office so we can run it through the counter. So it was a pretty good night.
I interpreted eharrison's special bank the same as cyberdan did.  You have to try several banks.. you never know where you might get lucky. |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
Edited by - HoardCopperByTheTon on 04/14/2008 14:26:04 |
Penny Collector Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 21:20:12
Well, I got to Detroit around 11 and did some bank hopping. 2 out of 5 banks gave me pennies ($22 total). All the other ones "I had to have an account". I'll see how Grand Rapids is tomorrow. |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 21:58:34
Depends on how they ask the question.
Bank: "Do you have an account?" PHer: "Yes I do!" Bank: "Can we see your bank card?"
Option Play time now for the PHer: 1) PHer: "Oh, you mean with this bank?!" 2) PHer: "I don't have all my bank cards with me, I am on vacation and I didn't know you had a branch here" 3) PHer: "C'mon man, it's only pennies!" 4) PHer: "I would like to open an account right now" Purchases pennies, then closes account same or next day or just leaves it open forever with $5 balance in it as long as it is free. 5) PHer: "I always like to see how the customer service is at a bank before I open an account there." 6) PHer: "Is the insurance still capped at $100k?" 7) PHer: "I don't need an account.. I have a Jack Cash Card!" (Flashes Jack in the Box card) 8) PHer: "I would like to open an account.. will $100 be sufficient?" (Goes out to car and retrieves 4 bricks of zinc) 9) PHer: "I'm not sure if your bank meets my solvency requirements.. Can I see a copy of your audited financial statements for last year and your most current 10Q filing?" 10) PHer: "No, I don't have an account here.. Can you recommend any of your competitors that are more friendly?"
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
Penny Collector Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 04/16/2008 : 07:18:40
Yesterday, I was 5 for 5 . I just asked for $10 from each bank. |
Penny Hoarding Member

629 Posts |
Posted - 04/17/2008 : 09:08:46
quote: Originally posted by HoardCopperByTheTon
Depends on how they ask the question.
Bank: "Do you have an account?" PHer: "Yes I do!" Bank: "Can we see your bank card?"
Option Play time now for the PHer: 1) PHer: "Oh, you mean with this bank?!" 2) PHer: "I don't have all my bank cards with me, I am on vacation and I didn't know you had a branch here" 3) PHer: "C'mon man, it's only pennies!" 4) PHer: "I would like to open an account right now" Purchases pennies, then closes account same or next day or just leaves it open forever with $5 balance in it as long as it is free. 5) PHer: "I always like to see how the customer service is at a bank before I open an account there." 6) PHer: "Is the insurance still capped at $100k?" 7) PHer: "I don't need an account.. I have a Jack Cash Card!" (Flashes Jack in the Box card) 8) PHer: "I would like to open an account.. will $100 be sufficient?" (Goes out to car and retrieves 4 bricks of zinc) 9) PHer: "I'm not sure if your bank meets my solvency requirements.. Can I see a copy of your audited financial statements for last year and your most current 10Q filing?" 10) PHer: "No, I don't have an account here.. Can you recommend any of your competitors that are more friendly?"
You are the master. I'm going to print and laminate the list and whip it out with every refusal! |
Beer is my currency. |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 04/17/2008 : 11:05:57
I was kind of hoping others would add to the list. There are a lot of creative people on this forum.. I'm sure they could come up with some great answers. |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts |
Posted - 04/17/2008 : 11:28:00
I have always wondered if it is legal for them to refuse to distrubute money. They all have a charter from the gov and I am sure that there are several requirements for getting that charter. I would think that they might have an obligation to issue cionage to the general public. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Second, what constitutes a bank account? - Home equity line of credit with $0 balance. This has been working for me at one bank. - Credit card? Again with $0 balance. I have no trouble telling a bank that I have an account if I hold one of their cards. - One bank has my Roth, but no deposit accounts. That counts for me. If it doesn't for them that it will be teir loss. |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 04/17/2008 : 11:40:49
They probably only have to distribute money to customers with accounts at their institution. They are also probably allowed to set "reasonable" limits on how much coin they wish to provide. There is probably something in the fine print that relieves them of any responsibility to do things if there are "undue costs" associated with that activity. |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
Penny Collector Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 04/18/2008 : 08:18:19
Went to Tennesse and did some sorting--car sorting...with the Ryedale.
I purchased an adapter for the car for the laptop and then the light bulb went off. "Coin Artist is in the trunk...let's gives it a try". So I was able to sort $25 in the car.
I am addicted so much; there is no help for me. |
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