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 13 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 11:55:42
I take an entire roll, cup my hand, and look at each individual penny. I've been thinking about dumping rolls on the table, flipping the date side up and then going over each with a magnifying glass...
Whats your method?
Penny Hoarding Member

672 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 13:49:57
i sort a box in around 50 minutes. the best way ive found so far is to break all the rolls open into a container. then i take a handful with my left hand, throw the coppers into a dish while holding the zincs in my right hand. when my right hand gets full i drop them into the zinc bag. any 82's, wheats, canadians, early BU's or other oddities go on the table in front of me to sort out later. but my eyes are still pretty good so quick date recognition is not a problem. just try a few different methods and you'll find the best for you. |
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1805 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 14:18:24
I hand sort on a table. After a roll or two are broken open, the zincs go to the right, the Cu cents to the left. Any wheats, Canadians, and 1982's (to be weighed later) go to the top front. Any odd ones I want to check with a magnifying glass are pushed far away so that I dont accidentally put them in a wrong pile. I can sort a box in about 60-70 minutes doing it this way. |
My hobby: collecting real money 1 copper cent or nickel at a time.

6807 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 14:37:09
You guys are fast. It used to take me about 2 hours to sort a box that way. Guess these eyes are getting kind of old. I got the time down to about an hour when I switched to using a digital scale for sorting. Of course they were still piling up on me so I got the Ryedale and automated. |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |

70 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 14:49:42
Before I got automated I would break open a roll on my favorite magazine or a piece of cardboard. I'd sort all the face up ones pulling them off edge of the table or magazine into zincs and coppers. Then I'd put another mag. on top of all the face downs and flip them all at once. Once you get the hang of the flip it's way faster than flipping each one by hand. The trick is to slide the mag./penny sandwich off the edge of the table and then cup it a little before turning it over. Slide the sandwich back on the table and mow they are all face up. |
"They that can give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin |
Penny Collector Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 15:01:55
I did some hand-sorting today while waiting for my car to be flushed. What I do is grap about 15-25 (enough to fit between my index finger and thumb) and rapidly go through them, keeping the zincs in my right hand and place the coppers in a marked location (in today's case--the cupholder of my car). I could get a box done in about 50 minutes.
HCCBT, I was able to break open all 50 rolls in a $25 Loomis box and get all the pennies back in there without distorting the box. |
Penny Collector Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 16:13:39
quote: Originally posted by markarnold1982
I'd sort all the face up ones pulling them off edge of the table or magazine into zincs and coppers. Then I'd put another mag. on top of all the face downs and flip them all at once.
That's pretty slick... i knew there had to be a shortcut, and i think that's it. My hands cramp very quickly when working with small objects, so flipping coins one-by-one is driving me nuts 
It could probably be even quicker if you slap together a pair of very thin plywood or acrylic sheets, one with a lip around three sides... remove the whole physical dexterity element  |
Considering Verizon Business service? Perhaps you'd like to consider a nice drain cleaner enema instead? |

70 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 21:24:15
Quote: [It could probably be even quicker if you slap together a pair of very thin plywood or acrylic sheets, one with a lip around three sides... remove the whole physical dexterity element]
lanispet - Great Idea! I never got that far, I found out about the Ryedale and had to have it. |
"They that can give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin |
Penny Hoarding Member

651 Posts |
Posted - 04/10/2008 : 21:51:42
I recline in bed while the wife watches her soaps. It's a nightmare. A dark towel on my chest (bed light overhead) and all sorts of cups and containers everywhere, I sort $25 an hour. She often notes that it seems as though there's a new category every night. I need to ammend my ways. |
Penny Hoarding Member

851 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2008 : 14:54:07
I dump them on the floor and look at the dates with a magnifying glass. Without my glasses I can't even see the dates anymore! |
Are you throwing that out? |
Penny Hoarding Member

894 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2008 : 15:11:21
quote: Originally posted by CoinHunter53562
I hand sort on a table. After a roll or two are broken open, the zincs go to the right, the Cu cents to the left. Any wheats, Canadians, and 1982's (to be weighed later) go to the top front. Any odd ones I want to check with a magnifying glass are pushed far away so that I dont accidentally put them in a wrong pile. I can sort a box in about 60-70 minutes doing it this way.
Similar process here! The plastic container on the left is for coppers, the one on the right is for zincs. I break open an entire box and just sort from the giant pile on the table. Estimated sorting time, including removal from wrappers: 45-50 minutes. I use the kitchen table. There's a great multi-bulb light fixture directly overhead, so no eye strain.
ETA: Once you have the giant pile of 2500 pennies, it's easy to slide 30 or 40 of them toward you and flip 'em over to see the dates. Then slide them into your hand, off the table, and into the container on the floor. |
Lovely dimes, the liveliest coin, the one that really jingles. --Truman Capote
Coins are the metallic footprints of the history of nations. --William H. Woodin |
Edited by - Ant on 04/13/2008 15:12:54 |
Penny Collector Member

326 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 17:58:34
I used to go a roll at a time, but now i open them all up, get a table, grab 2 BIG handfuls of pennies and dump them on there and sort while watching some TV. Depending on the show, about an hour. |
*HUCKABEE* ___08'____
Penny Sorter Member

80 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 19:10:40
I just use a digital scale, drop one on with left hand, see if it reads 3.0 or better. If so I flip it to the right with my finger, if its about 2.5 I flip it forward. Every once in awhile I have to tare the scale because of the pennies bouncing off wrong, but its pretty fast. If you work at it you can group weigh some of them effectively. Sometimes I'll pull groups of brights and run them over the scale four at a time. |
Obey Gresham's Law |

6807 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 19:13:48
quote: Originally posted by longhorn
I just use a digital scale, drop one on with left hand, see if it reads 3.0 or better. If so I flip it to the right with my finger, if its about 2.5 I flip it forward. Every once in awhile I have to tare the scale because of the pennies bouncing off wrong, but its pretty fast. If you work at it you can group weigh some of them effectively. Sometimes I'll pull groups of brights and run them over the scale four at a time.
That is exactly how I used to do it in the old days. Much faster than looking at each date. |
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available. |
Penny Sorter Member

49 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2008 : 22:14:26
I rock it indian style on the floor and put them in front of me. I have a light positioned so it's about 8 inches above the pile I'm sorting and I can really sort pretty quick that way. Im young though and my eyes can pick up the dates fast still. I can also still sit cross legged for a long time but I do have to stretch every once and a while. |
8150 coppers |
Penny Pincher Member

150 Posts |
Posted - 04/15/2008 : 10:09:37
here's an interesting note, in public schools they no longer call it "indian style", guess it wasn't p.c. enough. at my kids school they call it "chris-cross, apple-sauce". gotta love that. my children have no idea what "indian style" means |
Penny Sorter Member

49 Posts |
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