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Penny Pincher Member

243 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  21:01:32  Show Profile Send mickeyman a Private Message
When Canada first switched to zinc cents we had some fun playing with them. You may find this to be a fun way to separate your zinc from copper 1982s.

You will need

one heatproof container (if you have only a few pennies to test, you can use an ashtray) and a glass for storage
a blowtorch
tongs or needle-nosed pliers for holding the pennies
any safety gear you may think appropriate (we did this in the kitchen and nobody died)


Fire up the blowtorch. Pick up one penny with the tongs and hold in the flame. You should do this over the ashtray because if the penny is zinc the results may be spectacular.
If the penny is copper, it will glow, possibly red-hot. You can hold it for as long as you like in the torch, no permanent harm will result. When satisfied, place it in the glass.
If the penny is zinc, there will be very little to deposit in the ashtray. Usually you have about half of the empty copper shell. It's copper, so you might as well keep it.

After the copper has cooled off, you can brush the carbon film away. Your copper pennies may look completely revitalized. And you will have a few less zincs to take to the bank.

Not all who wander are lost.

Penny Pincher Member

107 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  21:07:46  Show Profile Send Centsearcher a Private Message
lol...sounds fun, but until I can get a cent for the copper shell i think I'll stick with my bank drops

idk, might try it just for kicks...

--Misplaced Numismatist--

Democracy: The only system where any two idiots can out-vote a genius

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2565 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2008 :  10:37:09  Show Profile Send misteroman a Private Message
I used to sell those High temp butane lighters,The ones they show on ebay melting pennies.Found out quick the difference when show potential customers.Zinc would be gone in 10-15 seconds.

Buying CU cents!!!! Paying 1.2 unlimited amounts wanted. Can pick up if near Ohio area.
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