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 % Canadian Copper Cents in USA very HIGH
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478 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2008 :  19:00:55  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I live very near the USA/Canada border. I get at least 1 to 3 Canadian cents per roll at my local banks. At last count, over 85% of these coins are pre-97 or copper. Many Kings are found (pre Queen E or the Canadian version of a Wheat Cent)....I got 2 this week from a 10 roll purhcase. I'm not a huge hoarder like you guys but I have over $10 face of Canadian copper cents with over 7% being Kings.

Is this the norm for Canada proper? Would it be worth taking a drive over the border? Thanks

By the way, did you know that the USA one cent coin and the Canadian one cent coin are treated as EQUAL in the USA? I was told this by my bank teller. It's been this way for years and the penny is the only coin that has equal value either side of the border. Anyone ever hear of this?

Edited by - n/a on 04/08/2008 19:04:23

Penny Hoarding Member

651 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2008 :  19:15:38  Show Profile Send starwarsgeek171 a Private Message
Living in New England, I get a lot of canadian coinage as well, but not so many Kings (only about 10 so far).
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

3890 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2008 :  20:19:05  Show Profile Send NotABigDeal a Private Message
Originally posted by CuproNickle

I live very near the USA/Canada border. I get at least 1 to 3 Canadian cents per roll at my local banks. At last count, over 85% of these coins are pre-97 or copper. Many Kings are found (pre Queen E or the Canadian version of a Wheat Cent)....I got 2 this week from a 10 roll purhcase. I'm not a huge hoarder like you guys but I have over $10 face of Canadian copper cents with over 7% being Kings.

Is this the norm for Canada proper? Would it be worth taking a drive over the border? Thanks

By the way, did you know that the USA one cent coin and the Canadian one cent coin are treated as EQUAL in the USA? I was told this by my bank teller. It's been this way for years and the penny is the only coin that has equal value either side of the border. Anyone ever hear of this?

Don't know about that. I get foreign coins for free all the time from the banks. All sorts of denominations and nations.


Live free or die.
Plain and simple.

"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your council or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
- Samuel Adams
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2008 :  22:39:02  Show Profile Send knibloe a Private Message
In NY we get a lot of canadian cents. However, I do not get so many kings. I found two in a box that I sorted yesterday. I have always used the canadian coins as equal to the US coin without any problems
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Penny Pincher Member

234 Posts

Posted - 04/08/2008 :  22:51:39  Show Profile Send eharrison a Private Message
Originally posted by NotABigDeal
Don't know about that. I get foreign coins for free all the time from the banks. All sorts of denominations and nations.


Do you just ask the tellers NotABigDeal??

I recently got my first king (that I know of) a few days ago- a 52.
I don't regard them as equal in the sense that they are issued by Canada, not the US.

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Ron Paul!
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  05:14:03  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
I get around 50% Canadian copper here in Indianapolis.
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Penny Pincher Member

108 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  08:48:27  Show Profile Send M83striker a Private Message
Here in Michigan I get about 15 to 20 canadians per roll and of that about 80% are copper. I already have an entire roll of Kings and I've only been sorting since January.

When my wife got after me it sounded like "Blah,Blah,Blah", but now it sounds like "Clink,Clink,Clink". Its amazing what that Ryedale can do for a hounded husband.
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Penny Hoarding Member

993 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  14:06:53  Show Profile Send Cerulean a Private Message
Six of the eight Canadian cents I've found this year have been copper; the other two are zinc. I've only found three kings in the last 15 years.

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Wanna take seignorage away from the Fed? Spend *any* coins!
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Cerulean's Standing Offer: $3/lb shipped for foreign coins
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6807 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  14:26:30  Show Profile Send HoardCopperByTheTon a Private Message
Originally posted by eharrison

Originally posted by NotABigDeal
Don't know about that. I get foreign coins for free all the time from the banks. All sorts of denominations and nations.


Do you just ask the tellers NotABigDeal??

Yes, just let the bank person that normally gets your pennies for you that you would like the foreign coins that they are going to throw in the garbage. The banks throw them in the garbage because it is cheaper than twhat it would cost to try to process them. They will generally be happy to give them to a good customer.

If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.

Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
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Penny Pincher Member

107 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  14:46:59  Show Profile Send Centsearcher a Private Message
I live near Canada as well and have also noticed that Canadian coppers are very easy to come by. I average about 5-7 per roll. I also have a few rolls of Kings from my searches. In the box I am currently sorting I found three Kings (1940, 1955, 1952).

--Misplaced Numismatist--

Democracy: The only system where any two idiots can out-vote a genius

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1964 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  16:10:12  Show Profile Send Bluegill a Private Message
I live about 25 miles from the Ambassador bridge going into Windsor from Detroit. I have been averaging about 70-75 Canadians per box. I get about the same amount of kings as I do wheats, give or take... I haven't gotten around to sorting my Canadians yet so I don't really know what percentage are copper.
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478 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  16:38:50  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
Customer rolls are what I get most in $5 to $10 orders. Huge numbers of canadians with most being copper. I wonder if this has anything to do with people just putting them away in jars for years and evetually taking them to the banks? I get very few Canadians from the plastic wrapped rolls but the hand rolled, that's another story. Got another 2 kings today from a $5 order and about a dozen copper canadians and only 3 junk canadians. I like the 1967 Canadian penny with the bird in flight on the back. Nice coin.
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912 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  17:04:08  Show Profile Send fiatboy a Private Message
I like the 1967 Canadian penny with the bird in flight on the back. Nice coin.

The rock dove cent is one of my favorites.

"Bart, it's not about how many stocks you have, it's about how much copper wire you can get out of the building." --- Homer Simpson
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  20:17:01  Show Profile Send knibloe a Private Message
I was in northern, NY a couple of weeks ago. I picked up some pennies about 20 miles from the border. Someone had sorted out the Canadians and left the copper and wheats.
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Penny Sorter Member

49 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  20:33:51  Show Profile Send thebeave a Private Message
I get quite a few canadians too, a few kings. I just throw every canadian into a separate jar to sort later. I pass canadian quarters all the time without even getting a second look. As long as there is only like one quarter nobody cares.


8150 coppers
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Penny Pincher Member

243 Posts

Posted - 04/09/2008 :  20:52:10  Show Profile Send mickeyman a Private Message
Originally posted by CuproNickle

I live very near the USA/Canada border. I get at least 1 to 3 Canadian cents per roll at my local banks. At last count, over 85% of these coins are pre-97 or copper. Many Kings are found (pre Queen E or the Canadian version of a Wheat Cent)....I got 2 this week from a 10 roll purhcase. I'm not a huge hoarder like you guys but I have over $10 face of Canadian copper cents with over 7% being Kings.

Is this the norm for Canada proper? Would it be worth taking a drive over the border? Thanks

I'm not big on pennies but have bought a few rolls up in Toronto. Your numbers are definitely not the norm. Last year, only a little over 50% of pennies bought in rolls were copper, and this year, the numbers have dropped considerably, although my sampling is too small to have a lot of confidence--but I would guess it is not much over 40%. Kings are not common. It sounds like the Canadian coins you get are from an older population that has been circulating there awhile, and lucky you, you haven't got the flood of steel and zinc that has been emanating from the Mint in recent years.

If I have time later this summer after the 2008s have fully entered the system I will try to come up with better numbers to assess the damage.

Not all who wander are lost.
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139 Posts

Posted - 04/10/2008 :  08:13:25  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
i get @10-20 canadian copper per box in rhode island.
i have about 3 rolls of kings, most of which came from a drive-by picking up 20 rolls.
id say i got @100 kings with that pickup.
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