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Penny Pincher Member

108 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2008 :  09:10:02  Show Profile Send M83striker a Private Message
I'm just getting into this the past 3 months and it seems like the backlog is getting out of hand, LOL. I've been hand sorting and I really like being able to pull all canadians and wheats out as I sort. I'm just wondering if I should get a hand-fed model and still be able to have some "hands on" or if I should wait and save more money and go with the apprentice and just dump everything into the hopper? Will the hand-fed model still save me time by doing it this way? I'm really motivated to start moving, but at the same time reluctant to sacrafice my stash and go back down to "ground-zero" due to a large apprentice purchase.

When my wife got after me it sounded like "Blah,Blah,Blah", but now it sounds like "Clink,Clink,Clink". Its amazing what that Ryedale can do for a hounded husband.

Penny Collector Member

402 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2008 :  09:26:15  Show Profile  Send wheeler_dealer a Yahoo! Message Send wheeler_dealer a Private Message
I agree with you assessment. Do I spend my $ on a ryedale sorter and limit my purchasing ability, or keep hand sorting. I want to sort and hold and the ryedale is a big plunge. If the market of available copper pennies dries up before recouping my investment then what. I'm thinking of hiring some penny apprentices(zinc slaves) to help me sort. Short term it may cost a little. I am hoping to use my REBATE check to invest in a a ryedale if the BOSS doesn't object too much. That will be quite a sale. "honey can I use our rebate for a penny sorting machine?" If I don't post for a while it will be because I'm in traction.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1641 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2008 :  10:07:31  Show Profile Send horgad a Private Message
It really depends on the volume that you plan on doing and the percentage of copper that you are pulling out. If you figure that you can pull 700 coppers per box (28%) for a gain of $7.00 per box and you can manage to cycle 20 boxes a week (pretty easy) that is a $140 gain per week. So an apprentice pays for itself in short order as long as you have enough funds available that you can commit yourself to investing in a chunk of copper for 2 or 3 years or until the market to sell is where you want it to be.

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6807 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2008 :  10:53:14  Show Profile Send HoardCopperByTheTon a Private Message
The only thing I regret about my Ryedale was that I waited too long to get it. I got the deluxe Coin Artist with all the bells and whistles. It actually paid for itself in a week. I did some serious sorting that first week. I had quite a backlog and that Ryedale sawed through them. Even not considering all the copper it generated for me to sell, the amount of capital it freed up by freeing up all those zincs from all those boxes would have paid for the machine many times over. If you are going to get one, get it sooner rather than later. The copper percentages will keep going down and the only way to capture your fair share is to automate.

I would recommend getting the Apprentice. You can quickly eyeball the zincs for old wheats and Indians. If money is tight just sell off a few extra bags of copper to pay for your Ryedale.. You can quickly replace them once you have the machine.

If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.

Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
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Penny Pincher Member

108 Posts

Posted - 03/27/2008 :  11:03:08  Show Profile Send M83striker a Private Message
I should have stated that I'm sorting about $50 to $100 a week right now. I'm putting $50 a week into buying pennies alone, of course thats not counting the zinc that I'm returning. So, really as things add up I could be actually buying double within a month or so. I've had an average of 29% here in Michigan not counting the 1982's, canadians and wheats. Right now I've got $100 in copper already sorted and maybe I'll give Ryedale a shout and see if he'll take my copper and some cash for an apprentice. Thanks for all the help.

When my wife got after me it sounded like "Blah,Blah,Blah", but now it sounds like "Clink,Clink,Clink". Its amazing what that Ryedale can do for a hounded husband.
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Penny Pincher Member

108 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2008 :  14:10:06  Show Profile Send M83striker a Private Message
Well, I sold all of my Cu to a fellow hoarder, sold all my wheats to a collector, cashed in all my available zinc and took out a loan from my wife (yes, I went there) and finally decided to order up an Apprentice. Thanks again for all the help with deciding and it did seem right that if I wanted to do the volume that I wanted why get a hand-fed system. I might be back at ground zero, but I can't wait till that Apprentice comes in.

When my wife got after me it sounded like "Blah,Blah,Blah", but now it sounds like "Clink,Clink,Clink". Its amazing what that Ryedale can do for a hounded husband.
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Penny Collector Member

382 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2008 :  16:39:33  Show Profile Send Epaphras a Private Message
Originally posted by M83striker

Well, I sold all of my Cu to a fellow hoarder, sold all my wheats to a collector, cashed in all my available zinc and took out a loan from my wife (yes, I went there) and finally decided to order up an Apprentice. Thanks again for all the help with deciding and it did seem right that if I wanted to do the volume that I wanted why get a hand-fed system. I might be back at ground zero, but I can't wait till that Apprentice comes in.

You won't be at ground zero for long when you get the Apprentice. Next thing you'll know is you will be asking your wife for a loan to purchase more pennies (hope you have good 'wife credit' . Few around here do).
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Saul Mine
Penny Collector Member

343 Posts

Posted - 04/02/2008 :  20:44:53  Show Profile Send Saul Mine a Private Message
You don't want to feed by hand, that's for sure. Anything that reduces handling is worth the cost.

A penny sorted is a penny earned!

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