Has the ratio of copper-zinc been going down? I was wondering if this is just a couple of us doing this as a hobby, or if a million people in the country do this regularly. So has anyone been doing this long enough to notice a decrease?
LOL if a million or so people were doing this the copper would be gone in a week or two.I doubt there are really that many people seriously doing it like hoard and c140,but I will think next year at this time people will be averaging 10% instead of 20 on average. Derek
Buying CU cents!!!! Paying 1.2 unlimited amounts wanted. Can pick up if near Ohio area.
Well I'm hoping to start putting a serious dent in the percentages myself starting next week :)
I used to be into rock tumbling as a hobby, still have 4 tumblers, a bunch of grit, and I actually imported 2 metric tons of lapidary rough from South Africa.
Only problem is that the rocks are so big I can't do anything with them unless I were to buy a lapidary saw with a 36 inch blade! Those tend to run about 5 grand and I don't really have anywhere to put one right now so I've got lot's of big, pretty, colorful rocks laying around.
Good thing about rocks though is that they really don't go bad or spoil, at least not in any time frame measured by human lifespans.
Never did figure out how to sell the polished rocks very well though. Hopefully I won't have that problem with the copper.