Uthminsta... you're right, truly some astounding pictures. Jade should make this a sticky so it doesn't get lost. Maybe some of the best pics could even be used as wallpaper for our site.
I would imagine there are sometimes falls when taking on a task like this. Imagine the reaction the poker guy gets when his tower comes crashing down in the middle of a Hold-em game and careens into someone else's chips.
As a bit of a poker guy, generally ones stacks are in nice neat stacks of 20. And if they fall over, well, you know that they were in stacks of 20.
When you see those big stacks on TV - most of those chips are lower denomination chips that are almost vestigal at that stage of the tournament. They're only needed for the antes.
They should get 'colored up', but they look impressive for the camera.
I would not want to be the dealer having to count down the monster stacks for a couple all-ins, that's for sure.