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Penny Pincher Member

126 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2006 :  00:43:26  Show Profile Send davycoppit a Private Message
I have about two trash cans full of old copper pipes, and about two trash cans of old copper wire that I have saved from my summer construction job. I was wondering if I should sell it and buy silver with it or hang on to it for a while? thanks for your input this is my first post.

I was also wondering if you can recycle burnt wire? I heard someplace that they discourage it.


479 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2006 :  09:47:11  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I'm not sure about burnt wire. I've seen guys in the parking lot striping the plastic off of romex. I assume that if you strip the casings off off all your wire, burnt or not, that you should get the same price, but that is ONLY an assumption.

As far as should you hang on to it, well that depends on your assumptions about the future and what you want in the future.

Here are some qwestions to ask:

1. Do you thnk the price of copper is going up or is the value of the dollar going down?
2. Do you think the price of copper will continue to go up even if the value of the dollar were to fall sharply?
3. Do you think that melting copper will reqwire more expensive enegy in the future or less expensive?
4. Which one is a more sure bet?

On balance, I would recommendturning in the copper now and getting the silver.
But then I'm a total stranger that doesn't claim any special knowledge.

A billiard ball dropped from 1,362 feet (height of the South Tower) in a
vacuum would require 9.22 seconds to hit the ground. How then did the
towers collapse in 10 seconds and 11.4 seconds, and why has not one
member of the mainstream media insisted on honest answers from the
government in this regard?

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy
so monstrous [that] he cannot believe it exists."
- J. Edgar Hoover

Edited by - n/a on 12/12/2006 10:14:14
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Penny Collector Member

320 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2006 :  11:56:22  Show Profile Send Metalophile a Private Message
I would discourage burning wire with PVC insulation. You'd create all kinds of nasty stuff burning PVC, notably hydrochloric acid, and dioxins.

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Penny Pincher Member

126 Posts

Posted - 12/12/2006 :  12:18:17  Show Profile Send davycoppit a Private Message
Ok thanks for your guys replys. I think I will turn in my copper and buy some silver, my parents are getting annoyed with all of it sitting around anyway.
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just carl
Penny Hoarding Member

601 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2006 :  12:44:11  Show Profile Send just carl a Private Message
Originally posted by Metalophile

I would discourage burning wire with PVC insulation. You'd create all kinds of nasty stuff burning PVC, notably hydrochloric acid, and dioxins.

Absolutely true. Not only PVC but many other products are used in the manufacturing of wire insulations and jacketing. Buning it in a populated area could cause severe health problems. It is against the law in the area I live. However, so are auto thefts but we have approximately 50,000 of those a year. As to what to do with the stuff, get rid of it while the prices are good. Also, why would you want that stuff laying around. Always note that with any metals there could be an announcement any day of a major find that would bring prices plummitting down.

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11 Posts

Posted - 12/22/2006 :  18:44:27  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message

Copper wire sells at different prices per pound, insulated weigs more due to the insulation, so the per pound is less, but in the end if you consider your time involved in stripping it you are better off selling it as insulated.
the last load of number 2 copper bare I took in I got $2.10 a pound.
that was last Monday.
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5 Posts

Posted - 05/16/2007 :  00:38:17  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
This is the time to sell. Copper price has maxed and stock is rising. Although Chinese demand is still high, I expect the market to be flooded with copper soon. Sell now.

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 05/25/2007 :  19:47:55  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
I live in a new subdivision and every house that gets built as soon as the electiricans do their work, people are jumping into the trash bins they have in front of the house for the copper wire. It's a zoo. Someone is going to get hurt or there will be a big fight.
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Penny Pincher Member

199 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2007 :  18:16:13  Show Profile Send ME CO a Private Message
Thats nothing I'm a drywaller and junkies are going in and stripping the houses before I can get sheetrock up on the walls- cause of major problems here for the electricians, plumbers, and ME. Mark
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Penny Sorter Member

51 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2007 :  20:03:04  Show Profile Send cakesea a Private Message
if u live in the allentown,PA area you should go to e schneider and sons on sumner ave you can get 2.85 a pound for copper wire there but it has to be stripped and above 18 gauge most of wht you get is above that unless it is hair wire like from power cords for home electronics for hair wire you can get 2.55 a pound.
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