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44 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2006 :  15:25:15  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I have a set(2) of tires on wheels and I find a few now and again at the dumpster, is this something I could sell to a scrap yard or just try and sell as a tire?

Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 11/25/2006 :  17:08:36  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
Unless the wheels happen to be aluminum I don't think you would get a lot of scap value out of them. Perhaps you can find a buyer. Good luck.

If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it. -Napoleon Hill
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26 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2006 :  13:36:57  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
Originally posted by shadomoon

I have a set(2) of tires on wheels and I find a few now and again at the dumpster, is this something I could sell to a scrap yard or just try and sell as a tire?

I just "inherited" a pile of tires and wheels (some mounted some not)
I checked with a lot of places that make you pay to drop off tires and pay to buy your scrap iron.
Around here it was standard to charge you $2 for dropping off the time, charge you THREE $ IF on a wheel, BUT they would pay you a buck for each wheel if YOU took it off before bringing it in!

SO, I piled them in front of my dumpster and half dissapeared first nite, the rest a few days later. so I ended up not having to pay anything to dispose of the tires and those stupid businesses lost out on the scrap iron too! I'm happy
(it's illegal to put tires in dumpster in Michigan, yet allowed two per week in residential garbage collection)
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2209 Posts

Posted - 11/26/2006 :  14:12:51  Show Profile Send pencilvanian a Private Message
Could old tires be useful in a post WTSHTF world?
I once heard on a TV news broadcast that in Greece they take old tires, grind them up, and burn them as fuel to make electricity (Most likely steam turbines powered by tires instead of fuel.)

I don't know all of the details, but supposedly oil is used to make tires.

After a quick lookup on the web under Tires into Fuel I found this information:

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Scrap tires as fuel

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Tire Derived Fuel

Quote: About 53 million tires per year are consumed as fuel in US cement kilns. The cement industry burns scrap tires as fuel in kilns used to make clinker-a primary component of portland cement.

Electric Utilities
About 24 million tires per year are consumed as fuel in boilers at electric utilities. In the electric utility industry, boilers typically burn coal to generate electricity

There must be some way to heat a house or run a steam engine using cut up tires for fuel.

Edited by - pencilvanian on 11/26/2006 15:47:36
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just carl
Penny Hoarding Member

601 Posts

Posted - 12/14/2006 :  12:37:18  Show Profile Send just carl a Private Message
Around here it is also difficult to get rid of old tires. People end up taking them somewhere dark and dumping them. However the rims, if not damaged sell really good at flea markets. If damaged, metal recyclers take them for bulk rate prices.

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