This metal has a very high scrap value and is used in metal drill bits and machine tool cutting bits. The place I work at just tosses them in the trash when they are worn out. The metal is very heavy and is in the Woframite (SP?) family if I'm not mistaken. A palce in Michigan is buying it at $3.75 a pound and it doesn't take much to get a pound.
I bought some “earn money through recycling” booklets some years ago, and one of the booklets mentioned tungsten carbide. The outfit buying the material was Poleys Industrial Salvage Co 2071 NE 64 St Ft Lauderdale FL
I don’t know if they are still in business, but I guess if you look around on the web there should be other companies recycling tungsten carbide.
Hey, anyway to make a buck and have fun doing it is the best way to earn money.