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 81 Posts |
Posted - 09/26/2006 : 20:14:10
we have 73 pounds in aluminum cans.
we have lord knows how much in other forms of scrap aluminum, gutter and flashing, aluminum food cans, pull tabs, aluminum foil, aluminum food packaging.
we have a little scrap copper but not much.
we're hoping we can get 100 pounds in cans before xmas, so we can can have a little extra cash for xmas.
we'll probably turn in every else too just to get as much as possible.
we have three garbage cans full of aluminum cans, 20 pounds worth in each one and a 4th one that's not yet full. for those doing the math thats 640 cans in each full can and 1920 in the three cans total. it'll take about 3200 cans to reach 100 pounds. we have 430 in the 4th can so thats 2350 total so far. we separated the small cans from the 12 ounce and larger cans as well as parts of cans and pull tabs. so im sure we'll have over 100 pounds when we turn it all in.
looking to walk away with a good 85+ dollars.

78 Posts |
Posted - 10/01/2006 : 23:33:15
Couldn't you get about twice that by redeeming the cans for the deposit? |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2006 : 12:58:00
I think you only pay and collect deposit on Al cans in certain states.
What are you going to do with the pull tabs? Last I heard there was an Urban Legend going around that a gallon of pull tabs was worth $100. I think that was a hoax. The pull tabs aren't worth any more than ordinary aluminum. I think some charities may collect them as a gimmick, although they'd do 10,000% better collecting the whole cans.
Metalophile |

81 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2006 : 14:12:55
people sell pull tabs on ebay and for a pretty penny i might add. people dont realize how much they're overspending on them. i might sell em on ebay but i dont feel like A) counting them up B)taking them off all the cans (which also takes away from the total weight) and then trying to sell them on ebay make a marginal profit at worst and then have to pay ebay fees for the auction.
no thanks. |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2006 : 16:08:14
Here are some links explaining the pull tab mystique:
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I prefer to bust the myth than to perpetuate it. Imagine some poor kid spending hours upon hours pulling tabs off of cans, only to find out later that the whole thing was pretty much a hoax, and the scrap value of the pull tabs is miniscule.
Metalophile |

81 Posts |
Posted - 10/02/2006 : 16:26:06
i remember back in middle school some retard collected tabs off of cans for some kind of medical condition, kidney disease i think.
i always asked "why?" and never got a good answer when someone brought up collecting tabs off of cans for charity or whatever. the most popular answer was you turned them in and for every one you turn in so and so spent so much on whatever. seemed dumb to me then and seems dumb to me now. |
just carl
Penny Hoarding Member

601 Posts |
Posted - 01/04/2007 : 21:02:27
quote: Originally posted by Metalophile
Here are some links explaining the pull tab mystique:
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I prefer to bust the myth than to perpetuate it. Imagine some poor kid spending hours upon hours pulling tabs off of cans, only to find out later that the whole thing was pretty much a hoax, and the scrap value of the pull tabs is miniscule.
Not sure about other locations in the USA but right here in the Chicago area there is this guy that saves those pull tabs and gives them directly to a hospital. Many people said it was a hoax but he produced a notarize letter from the hospital and a local church stating the pull tabs are weighed and a percentage of some patients hospital bills are covered by this donation. It stated it was started many years ago just to stop people from throwing them all over the place. At beaches people were getting cuts and infections so hospitals were being swamped with such things. Myself and other neighbors give all our cans to this one guy that donates them to his church. He pulls off all the tabs for the guy that takes them to a hospital. Being a pessimist myself I confronted him with so many stories of this being a hoax. He took me to the hospital and now I am a believer.
Carl |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 01/05/2007 : 00:55:44
Still doesn't make a lick of sense to me. Maybe 20 or so years ago when pull tabs did not generally stay attached to cans, maybe they were a problem at beaches. However, now you have to rock the things back and forth a few times before they come off. You almost never see a pull tab that isn't attached to a can anymore unless someone deliberately pulled them off to collect.
What is the redemption value of 100 pull tabs? Even with inflated aluminum prices over a dollar a pound, it takes hundreds of pull tabs to equal one pound. Sure, maybe the hospital reduces some bills "by a percentage", but that percentat is probably around 0.01!
Metalophile |
Penny Sorter Member

51 Posts |
Posted - 01/06/2007 : 14:24:30
actually 100 pulltabs equals about 2 to 5 cents redemption value while its not that much it still adds up considering you can find them on the street if you look hard enough. it took me about 3 month to collect 30000 pulltabs. and i got about 15.00 for themwhich i put iunto pennies by the way |

479 Posts |
Posted - 01/06/2007 : 21:06:46
intersting thread, sort of.
please don't take offense to the following as none is intended. I am trying to illustrate a point.
If I spent 15 weeks gathering gravel in buckets, and sold the proceeds of such labor for 15 dollars, would that be noteworthy?
A noteworthy event is when I spend 15 minutes to make $15. if I "look hard enough" I should be able to beat the rate of $15 dollars per 3 months.
................................................. A billiard ball dropped from 1,362 feet (height of the South Tower) in a vacuum would require 9.22 seconds to hit the ground. How then did the towers collapse in 10 seconds and 11.4 seconds, and why has not one member of the mainstream media insisted on honest answers from the government in this regard? "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous [that] he cannot believe it exists." - J. Edgar Hoover |
Edited by - n/a on 01/06/2007 21:10:01 |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 01/07/2007 : 04:29:42
Cakesea, so you stooped down about 30,000 times to earn $15.00? I hope you're collecting whole cans when you see them, too because each whole can probably weighs at least 30 x as much as a pull tab. Maybe it's just me or where I live, but I rarely ever see a pull tab separated from the whole can.
Metalophile |
Penny Collector Member

399 Posts |
Posted - 04/12/2007 : 21:37:50
One story I heard was that the tabs contain a higher grade of aluminum than the rest of the can. Not sure if that's actually true though. I think sometimes people will pay a premium for them because they are supposed to collect them for a fundraiser but are too lazy. |
Penny Collector Member

320 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2007 : 03:05:43
I've heard the higher grade of aluminum bit, too, and it doesn't make a lick of sense when spot aluminum is $1.28/lb., who would pay higher than that? New aluminum is electrolytically refined and is very pure. If it's such expensive stuff, then why use it to make pull tabs?
Also, I did visit someone at a Ronald McDonald House recently, and they do have donation recepticles all over the place for pull tabs and even promotional flyers which say why they collect pull tabs. Still doesn't make any sense to me! They never come right out and say in their flier how much they get per pulll tab.
Metalophile |
Penny Collector Member

399 Posts |
Posted - 04/13/2007 : 10:34:43
Actually it turns out the tabs are actually made from an aluminum rhodium alloy to make them harder; that's why they are so sought after.
Just kidding. |
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