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Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2008 :  12:37:22  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
From what I am able to gather the sorting percentages around the country vary from about 17-35%. Is there a simple reason for this wide difference?

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver

Penny Collector Member

399 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2008 :  19:01:41  Show Profile Send psi a Private Message
Might have a lot to do with how many people are sorting in a given area.. also, places with older populations might tend to have older coins going back to the banks.
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Penny Pincher Member

107 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2008 :  21:33:37  Show Profile Send Centsearcher a Private Message
Many factors change percentages in certain regions, so the answer to your question is no, there is no simple reason. Factors such as other hoarders, simple circulation, and plain old dumb luck fluctuate rapidly, which prevents any kind of accurate analysis of a region. A region with a low percentage today may have a high percentage tomorrow, and vice-versa.

--Misplaced Numismatist--

Democracy: The only system where any two idiots can out-vote a genius

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1805 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2008 :  21:40:17  Show Profile Send CoinHunter53562 a Private Message
I agree with the reasons above. Also, some people feel that Brinks or some other commercial operation is sorting out the coppers in their area. I see alot of stories where people are getting boxes of all zincs or very, very low copper yields.

My hobby: collecting real money 1 copper cent or nickel at a time.

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5580 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2008 :  00:35:06  Show Profile Send Nickelless a Private Message
Originally posted by psi

Might have a lot to do with how many people are sorting in a given area...

Are there really enough people sorting pennies around the country to have a significant impact on copper percentages? For that matter, any guesstimates on how many copper collectors are out there just looking for copper?

In other words, you mean to say that they aren't all on this site?

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Saul Mine
Penny Collector Member

343 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2008 :  04:05:22  Show Profile Send Saul Mine a Private Message
The Mint says coins last about 30 years. In reality that means they all get hoarded or lost in about 30 years. Imagine a football field filled with school buses. Fifty of them. Now imagine they are not school buses, they are stacks of pennies. Ten billion pennies. That is how many pennies the Mint makes every year. And one thirtieth of that number disappear every year.

So it has been almost thirty years since they stopped making copper pennies, and they have been making ten billion zinc pennies every year since then. Of course the percentage of coppers is dropping, but it will remain high in areas where not many tourists pass through. Go to a little bank in a small town and maybe your percentage will be higher.

A penny sorted is a penny earned!

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Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2008 :  08:07:05  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
Is it agreed that (in general) big cities have lower copper percentages?

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2008 :  09:42:03  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
Nickeless Writes: Are there really enough people sorting pennies around the country to have a significant impact on copper percentages?

I've started getting back my own marked zincs. Yes, it does make an impact on how many people are sorting in your area.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1021 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2008 :  10:32:29  Show Profile Send TenBears a Private Message
Originally posted by Tourney64

Nickeless Writes: Are there really enough people sorting pennies around the country to have a significant impact on copper percentages?

I've started getting back my own marked zincs. Yes, it does make an impact on how many people are sorting in your area.
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Now that has to be disheartening and frustrating. Tourney, are you in a rural or metropolitan area?

"Rich," the Old Man said dreamily, "is not baying after what you can't have. Rich is having the time to do what you want to do. Rich is a little whiskey to drink and some food to eat and a roof over your head and a fish pole and a boat and a gun and a dollar for a box of shells. Rich is not owing any money to anybody, and not spending what you haven't got." Robert Ruark

there are too wild Indians...
there are too wild Indians...
there are too wild Indians...-----still taunted

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Penny Hoarding Member

553 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2008 :  11:09:21  Show Profile Send swusc a Private Message
Originally posted by topeka

Is it agreed that (in general) big cities have lower copper percentages?

I have thought about this and was thinking that income levels might have something to do with it.

The higher the incomes levels the more likely people just throw pennies in a jar. That would mean the banks would have to order new pennies over recycling older ones. Over time this would increase % of newer pennies. Population growth would also increase newer % as people would need change.

Just by mintage numbers the population should be around 30% and go down every year. People pulling out/losing change is what makes it go lower.


`Everybody is ignorant. Only on different subjects.' Will Rogers

"This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the "hidden" confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard." Alan Greenspan, 1966.
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