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110 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  17:35:49  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
This question has probably been asked a bazillion times, but what's one more time gonna hurt? This is what I read on their site

"Question: Will the Mint buy back my old coins?

Answer: No, the United States Mint does not repurchase any issue coins. It will redeem mutilated coins for their scrap metal value."

Why not just mutilate some coins, and sell them back to the US Mint for scrap prices?

24 Empty Missile Tubes, A Giant Mushroom Cloud....It's Miller Time!!!

1000+ Penny Miser Member

2555 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:31:13  Show Profile Send moboman a Private Message
Do they weigh the pennies if you mutilate them?

Wouldnt they suspect something if you sent in a $50 bag of all coppers?

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110 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:43:49  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I guess they would probably weigh them, since they say they pay metal scrap prices. I'd be curious as to what metal they pay for.
I don't know how you'd get around answering the question "how did you get so many".. etc, but I guess you could say you've been hoarding mutilated pennies for years and years? Would they have any other option than to believe you? Is there a law against mutilating pennies anyway??

24 Empty Missile Tubes, A Giant Mushroom Cloud....It's Miller Time!!!
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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:56:06  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
There are companies who buy mutilated coins too. I think they deal with banks. I posted a link to one a long time back. My guess is that the mint would only pay you the scrap zinc metal value for pennies. If the pennies were mutilated it would be difficult to read the dates on them even if they tried. Nickels may be a better least until they come out with a steel nickel. disclosure. Please read.
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110 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  19:05:52  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
That's what I was thinking, unless of course you left the date intact. I'd submit an inventory with dates, etc. I'd remind them of the copper content of those pennies. Hell, I'd probably include some of their own literature on copper content.

24 Empty Missile Tubes, A Giant Mushroom Cloud....It's Miller Time!!!
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