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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1805 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  14:55:37  Show Profile Send CoinHunter53562 a Private Message
Stopped at a Dunkin Donuts out of town since I was down there with the girlfriend. When the girl helping us turned around to get our doughnuts, I reached into the penny jar to take a look. There were only 4, and I grabbed 2 at first. Both were pre-82 so I pocketed both with the idea I would refill it when I got my change. Unfortunately I only got one penny in my change and that was a 1976 so that went into the pocket too and we left. What has become of me??

My hobby: collecting real money 1 copper cent or nickel at a time.

Penny Pincher Member

160 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  17:28:10  Show Profile Send topeka a Private Message
.....first take a pennies

.......then bank vaults (smile)

Silver..poor mans gold
Copper..peasant silver
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110 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  17:43:58  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
That's about the purest definition of stealing that I can think of. What do they say about good intentions?

That reminds me of a story. I was 20, stationed in Groton, Ct and a bunch of us decided to go up to Montreal for the weekend.
We drank all weekend, and stumbled into a restaurant on Sunday morning. None of us spoke French, and the guy at the counter wasn't going to help out some drunk squids by speaking English. As we are counting our monopoly money, one of the guys grabbed a penny from the jar on the counter. Well, who knew that "pourboire" meant tip and not "take a penny, leave a penny". Needless to say the big fellow behind the counter wasn't too happy with us.

24 Empty Missile Tubes, A Giant Mushroom Cloud....It's Miller Time!!!
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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:09:40  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
My question is who is the real owner of take a penny leave a penny? The business in which it is located or is it of common public ownership of those customers and the business? The store may own the dish that the coins are contained in, but the coins in that dish may be common public property. disclosure. Please read.
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Think positive.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1805 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:25:02  Show Profile Send CoinHunter53562 a Private Message
That's about the purest definition of stealing that I can think of.

So would it be considered stealing if I took two pennies to add to the cash I was paying for the items? :)

My hobby: collecting real money 1 copper cent or nickel at a time.

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2555 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:29:36  Show Profile Send moboman a Private Message
No, because nice guys drop their pennies into the take a penny jars because they dont want to be stuck with them for one and so you dont have to be stuck getting pennies as change.
Every business around me got rid of their penny cups, one place said it was a new law? Americans used to help eachother out!

"99% of all lawyers give the rest of them a bad name"

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1805 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:31:48  Show Profile Send CoinHunter53562 a Private Message
My question is who is the real owner of take a penny leave a penny? The business in which it is located or is it of common public ownership of those customers and the business? The store may own the dish that the coins are contained in, but the coins in that dish may be common public property.

Interesting question and I am not sure I know the answer to that. This particular one didnt have any sign saying take A penny or leave A was just a small glass dish with four pennies in it. I'll see if I can find any documentation online as far as who has ownership of it.

My hobby: collecting real money 1 copper cent or nickel at a time.

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110 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:41:13  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I would say that they are private property, but the public has explicit permission to use them while purchasing at item (or however else the owner sees fit).
People get arrested for stealing "public property" all the time. Park benches are public property, but the public can only use them at the park.

If I were a judge, and this case was in front of me, I'd consider a few things. First, what is the spirit or intent of the taplap dish. I would think that it's for people to use when purchasing an item and they are short pennies. Customers can also leave pennies when they want to, but it's not required for use.
Second, I'd look at what actually happened. A person grabs a few, when the clerk has her back turned, and makes no attempt to ask for the pennies they wish to collect. I'd bet that in most cases, clerks would let you grab a penny or two if you told them you collected them.

In this case, he took 2 when she had her back turned, he said he was gonna trade when he got his change, but he didn't. He could have at least made a 2 for one deal. But, he decided not to. That would be the deciding factor for me. So, as far as I'm concerned it's stealing, just because it didn't "feel" like stealing, doesn't mean it isn't. To me, it would be no different than if a kid came in, grabbed all the change and ran.

Now, in all seriousness, I don't think it's a big deal. I wouldn't hold it against him, or lose any sleep over it. But, he asked the question, so I gave my 2 cents worth. He can keep them both if he wants to ;)

24 Empty Missile Tubes, A Giant Mushroom Cloud....It's Miller Time!!!
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1805 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:51:56  Show Profile Send CoinHunter53562 a Private Message
Now, in all seriousness, I don't think it's a big deal. I wouldn't hold it against him, or lose any sleep over it. But, he asked the question, so I gave my 2 cents worth. He can keep them both if he wants to ;)

You gave your two cents worth and I got my two cents worth! :) Ok since we go there about once every two months, I will make it up to them with a handful of zincs on the next trip down.

My hobby: collecting real money 1 copper cent or nickel at a time.

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110 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:53:10  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
Originally posted by CoinHunter53562

That's about the purest definition of stealing that I can think of.

So would it be considered stealing if I took two pennies to add to the cash I was paying for the items? :)

In that case, no, because that is the intent of the jar. I don't think you're a thief btw, just answering your question.

24 Empty Missile Tubes, A Giant Mushroom Cloud....It's Miller Time!!!
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Penny Pincher Member

222 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:57:59  Show Profile Send copperpennies a Private Message
You are a horrible person, but at this fish store i go to a lot because i have 2 hobbies, Fish keeping and coin collecting/hoarding, this guy told me when i was looking at them that if i take them he will call the cops. I had pennies that i was going to trade but i couldn't do that. He used to be cool but now i kind of hate the guy.
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110 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  18:59:13  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I wish there were Dunkin Donuts around here. I'd probably go more than once every two months!
Next time just ask the girl so we don't have to have this conversation! Hahaha

24 Empty Missile Tubes, A Giant Mushroom Cloud....It's Miller Time!!!
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Penny Hoarding Member

894 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  19:49:38  Show Profile Send Ant a Private Message
Originally posted by copperpennies

You are a horrible person, but at this fish store i go to a lot because i have 2 hobbies, Fish keeping and coin collecting/hoarding, this guy told me when i was looking at them that if i take them he will call the cops. I had pennies that i was going to trade but i couldn't do that. He used to be cool but now i kind of hate the guy.

Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. What a horrible thing for that guy to do. I am sure you really enjoyed going into his store prior to him saying that. That's really poor customer relations, especially if he didn't recognize you as a regular customer.

I hope you find another fish store that is even better than that one!

Lovely dimes, the liveliest coin, the one that really jingles. --Truman Capote

Coins are the metallic footprints of the history of nations. --William H. Woodin
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1805 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  21:28:23  Show Profile Send CoinHunter53562 a Private Message
I wish there were Dunkin Donuts around here. I'd probably go more than once every two months!
Next time just ask the girl so we don't have to have this conversation! Hahaha

No kidding! All of the ones here in Madison, WI seem to be closed down for some reason. The one that is 45 minutes away is right down the road from a Big Lots store (we dont have those anymore either), along with some other shopping we do down there. So it's convenient and we always make it a point to get a dozen doughnuts when in the area. I thought about trying to open a DD franchise here again but saw the ridiculous franchise fee and net worth requirements. Ugh

My hobby: collecting real money 1 copper cent or nickel at a time.

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Saul Mine
Penny Collector Member

343 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  21:35:32  Show Profile Send Saul Mine a Private Message
Well I would say you were not thinking clearly. You should give her a nickel and ask for change, then inspect the pennies she gives you and put all the zincs in the dish. If there aren't enough, do it again. Tell her what you are doing so she will think you are a decent dude, not just a weirdo.

A penny sorted is a penny earned!

Please use to post links. Long links make posts hard to read.
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912 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  22:02:55  Show Profile Send fiatboy a Private Message
I once left an Indian Head in one of those Leave a Penny Take a Penny trays.

"Bart, it's not about how many stocks you have, it's about how much copper wire you can get out of the building." --- Homer Simpson
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2565 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  22:09:07  Show Profile Send misteroman a Private Message
Originally posted by fiatboy

I once left an Indian Head in one of those Leave a Penny Take a Penny trays.

Where at?

Buying CU cents!!!! Paying 1.2 unlimited amounts wanted. Can pick up if near Ohio area.
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Penny Pincher Member

135 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  22:25:09  Show Profile Send penniesmakemedizzy a Private Message
Originally posted by fiatboy

I once left an Indian Head in one of those Leave a Penny Take a Penny trays.

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2164 Posts

Posted - 04/13/2008 :  22:44:10  Show Profile Send wolvesdad a Private Message
Yeah....why? hahaha

"May your percentages ever increase!"
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Penny Collector Member

289 Posts

Posted - 04/14/2008 :  11:00:36  Show Profile Send cyberdan a Private Message
Originally posted by copperpennies

You are a horrible person, but at this fish store i go to a lot because i have 2 hobbies, Fish keeping and coin collecting/hoarding, this guy told me when i was looking at them that if i take them he will call the cops. I had pennies that i was going to trade but i couldn't do that. He used to be cool but now i kind of hate the guy.

You could give him your pennies. Put one in every tank
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