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Penny Pincher Member

192 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2008 :  22:57:53  Show Profile  Send klava an AOL message Send klava a Private Message
Hey gang sorry I havent posted much. I spent last week in WVU hospital with my Dad. After spending 4 days in icu he is on the mend but will have to have atleast 3 surgeries to get his face fixes. It was a random freak deer accident that I will tell you guys about sometime later when I am more up to it. So I get back Sat with a message on my machine frommy Grandma tellingme my Mom is having a really bad thyroid problem of which she hadnt told me or either of my brothers. So sunday i go to Moms(an hour and a half drive) at 10am and get back here at 1130pm. Shes in good spirits and is goign to be going through some radation tratment for it next week and cant be aroudn people for a week after. Needless to say its been a rough couple of weeks.

Needless to say i havent gotten any sorting done or even left the house other than to go to Moms. I did however after reading some of the posts here decide to look through a few of my coppers for "s" mint pennies. Well that turned into looking through all of them. I guess it helped take my mind off of things.

Sorry for the vent I didnt mean to type so much. So anyway here is my stats. I also decided to pull my 59's to make a roll of circ's

This from about $25 copper out of about $100 zinc.

25 wheats-just to give an idea how small the other numbers are. Also my wheat numbers are pretty low I am guessing it is because 65% of the pennies I searched were from friends piggy banks and were less than 1 year in collection.

59- I had 13 total of which all but one were 59d. I know the denver mint did twice as many as the philly mint but since i am only about 300 miles away from PA mint I didnt expect the numbers to be that skewed.

S mints
9 total
2X69-with one in really nice red cond
3X70-havent looked for small dates yet

*note none of the wheats were S mint

I dont even want to think about what percentages I am getting of those and doubt ill search though future ones again lol but iI will keep an eye out while hand sorting.

--My friend brought me in 3 rolls of circ wheats today. Not sure if its a B-day present since my b-day is only a few days off or if she was just trying to make me feel better. They were marked post 40's and had a good mix of 40's and 50's but no "s" mints. With one exception a 1935s. the only pre40 in them. someone must have mistaken it for a 55 when they put it in the rolls made me happy lol. these will help fill hols in the 3 seperate sets of books i am builing (1 each for myself, my Mom, and my Goddaughter)

Okay sorry for the rant and everything hope someone enjoys the finds. Godbless everyone and happy hunting.


Penny Hoarding Member

672 Posts

Posted - 04/01/2008 :  23:17:45  Show Profile Send aloneibreak a Private Message
hey man, first off sure sorry to hear of the family troubles. its no fun to go through the worry and travel and hospital stays thats for sure. youre right though - sorting is a good way to keep your mind occupied.

your stats look similar to mine percentage wise. im hoping to get a whole box of s mints saved up but ive still got a ways to go. same way on the 59's. most of what i come across is d mint. i found a dozen or so nice ones here a couple weeks ago. maybe that date was saved more with it being the first year of the new reverse design.

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
Thomas Jefferson
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