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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 06/23/2006 :  19:22:16  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
Originally posted by Ardent Listener

I'm not into the pennies like most of the rest of you guys but I have notice a lot of 1979 pennies when I sort. It must have been a big year for pennies. With the nickels I notice a lot of 1964s. Of course I'm mostly looking for the silver WWII nickels and get excited when I see some dirty old looking nickels in the bunch.


Why are there so many 1964 nickels?

Look in a roll of nickels and the odds are that you will find a 1964 nickel.

During the `The great coin shortage of the '60s' the U.S. Mint was working overtime to meet the demand for new coins. But the amount needed was far more than the mint could produce. In the calendar year of 1964 of mint only produce a small number of nickels. Fear that the same fate would befall them that befell the 1950D nickels. On 9/3/64 the mint was authorized to freeze the date on nickels, and continue to make them in 1965 and in the end the mint produced:

1964 - 1,024,672,000
1964D - 1,787,297,160

If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. -Napoleon Hill

Edited by - Ardent Listener on 06/23/2006 19:24:47
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/25/2006 :  22:11:21  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
Hello everybody. I just discovered this forum a few weeks back and, as I'm in Canada, it's convinced me to start hoarding pre-1981 nickles because I'm a big fan of free money. Anyway my sorting percentages so far are as follows:

4 x $100 boxes:
8000 coins

1896 Older Elizabeths
84 Round Young Elizabeth
37 12-sided Young Elizabeth
6 King George
2023 100% pure nickles


20.23lbs = $180.74 US, or $201.87 canadian = double the face value.

Few other things in the four boxes:

1 1987 Dominican Republic 5 cent
1 Canadian penny (copper)
3 Euro 5 cents
133 American nickles

I found two great rolls - one was 40 pure nickles (100%), and one was 39 pure nickles and one american nickle.
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143 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2006 :  00:23:06  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
thank you, Canadian Nickle,

your 25% is way higher than i have experienced; when i first started off in about three month ago, it was about 20%, and the last box i went through, it was just 336 out of 2000, or 16.8%

teach your kids to sort pennies, and they will not spend your money like crazy
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2006 :  02:34:00  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
Ballcopper: You're out west, right? I'm in northern ontario, buying $100 boxes from (currently) Scotia Bank and TD Bank. The boxes from scotia are stamped "coinage distribution inc." and filled with machine rolls. The boxes from TD come in unmarked blank cardboard boxes with a TD teller's stamp/signature, and are filled with various obviously customer hand-rolled rolls (various different types, clear plastic snap rolls, etc.) Also, I got one box from scotia bank that was taped shut with Bell Canada seals. My guess is that those rolls came from payphones, although they were in the same machine-rolled tight rolls as other Scotia boxes.

Which banks are you hitting out there? I'm going to expand to the local Royal and Canada Trust brances soon. I have a business account at the TD, which helps alot, because they never ask any questions when I ask for a $100 box, and I get to skip the big line and go right up to the business wicket.
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2006 :  17:18:58  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
Sorted through another 3 boxes of nickles from TD. They've given me the number for their cash orders department, so they can get the orders of coin together for me before I show up ;)

Anyway, here's the breakdown:

1118 older elizabeth
55 Round young elizabeths
14 12-sided young elizabeth
1 "rabbit"centennial nickle
1 1940 George head

However, 15 of the rolls were ones I'd already sorted through and cashed back in there. I'm taking all my returns back to
Scotia Bank now, where I get the machine fresh boxes only, so hopefully that won't happen again. Anyway, if we subtract the 300 coins I'd already sorted, then the percentage is 1189/(6000-300) or 20.85% pure nickle

I also found the following:

1 1950 steel war nickle
1 2000 New Zeeland nickle
182 US nickles (two rolls were 100% US nickles)
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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2006 :  17:44:43  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
Welcome Canadian Nickel to the forums. Nice haul you got there.
Maybe one of you Canadian guys can answer this question; I have a 20 cent piece dated 1912. It has Newfoundland on the back and a picture of a King (George?) on the front. Was it common for places such as Newfoundland to mint their own coins years ago?

If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. -Napoleon Hill
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2006 :  21:23:10  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
Well, Newfoundland didn't join Canada until 1949 (You must be logged in to see this link.) so until then it minted its own coins under the power of the british crown. I have 1 or 2 newfoundland coins kicking around my collection.
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/26/2006 :  21:30:30  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
a better link:
You must be logged in to see this link.
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2006 :  17:16:41  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
So I took $146 in nickels back to Scotia Bank today. They didn't have any new boxes in, so I took the cash to TD and they only had 40 rolls. So I put on my best southern accent and hit up Canada Trust (26 rolls) and Bank of Montreal (34 rolls) with a story about how I didn't have an account with them "because I'm up from the states and I'm just getting a souvineer for my cousin who collects nickels." The rolls from TD were machine rolls and the rest were hand-rolled counter rolls.

Sorting breakdown (2000 coins):

449 older Elizabeths
11 12-sided young Elizabeths
8 Round young elizabeths

468/2000 = 23.4% - still quite profitable. I wonder how long my ratios will stay this good.

Nothing else interesting in this $100, but there were 14 American ncikels also.

I'm not sure if I should be trading the US nickels back in and getting more pure nickels, or hoarding them for their value also. Ideas anyone?
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2006 :  17:17:06  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
Got 20 rolls of pennies at Walmart. 267 coppers, 9 wheaties, 4 Canadian. All but 3 of the rolls were in plastic. The 3 paper rolled ones had the highest concentration of coppers and 4 of the wheaties.
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143 Posts

Posted - 06/27/2006 :  22:16:28  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
Originally posted by Canadian_Nickle

Ballcopper: You're out west, right?

yep, i am from vancouver, i get my coins from royal bank and return searched coins back to nova scotia bank; i only got personal accounts in both banks, so i hae to do these kinds of coin-in-coin-out thing more discreeetly

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Penny Pincher Member

217 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2006 :  17:06:14  Show Profile Send ImperialFleet a Private Message
Last weeks box yielded this:

6 Wheats
16 Canadians
76 '82's
712 Coppers
1690 Zincs
28.48% Copper, best Brinks box thus far. I am getting 3 more boxes tomorrow.

“Ultimately, the Fed can flood the system by buying any kind of asset, or even dropping bank notes from helicopters" -Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke

Edited by - ImperialFleet on 06/30/2006 17:22:21
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

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Posted - 06/29/2006 :  21:03:11  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
Imperial, that wasn't a very good Brinks box by my standards. Right now it looks like tonight's Brinks box will be better than last week's 30% coppers. I'm pretty sure mine comes from Chicago.
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/29/2006 :  21:43:18  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
20 rolls of nickels from TD today. 10 machine rolled, 10 hand rolled.

163 Older Elizabeth
2 Young Elizabeth
165 Pure nickels = 20.625%

Also 9 American

Since they hadn't any more ncikels, I also got a $25 box of pennies. Gonna sort throguh those tommorow and I'll post the results then.
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Penny Pincher Member

217 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2006 :  17:16:48  Show Profile Send ImperialFleet a Private Message
Tourney, I am also pretty sure that my pennies come from Brinks' Chicago location. As I stated previously, 28.48% was my personal best box yet.

“Ultimately, the Fed can flood the system by buying any kind of asset, or even dropping bank notes from helicopters" -Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
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Penny Pincher Member

217 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2006 :  17:21:53  Show Profile Send ImperialFleet a Private Message
Today's first box looks like this:

7 Wheats
10 Canadians
94 '82's
719 Coppers
1670 Zincs
28.76% Copper, my new personal best Brinks box. Out of everything I have sorted to date, my Cu avg. is 27.85%. Not super, but definitely worth the trouble.

“Ultimately, the Fed can flood the system by buying any kind of asset, or even dropping bank notes from helicopters" -Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2006 :  20:11:46  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
Did my first box of Canadian pennies today. 52% real money. Our ratios up here are way higher. Now I don't know if I should focus on pennies or nickels. Ideas, anyone?
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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 06/30/2006 :  21:31:25  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
Originally posted by Canadian_Nickle

Did my first box of Canadian pennies today. 52% real money. Our ratios up here are way higher. Now I don't know if I should focus on pennies or nickels. Ideas, anyone?

Wow! But at close to $10 bucks a pound I would focus on those pure nickels. But of course, I'm a nickel guy any way. I should be spening more time with the pennies down here. But time is a factor for me and at least the U.S. nickel is at 1.09% again over face. Makes me want to vacation in your part of the Great White North.

If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. -Napoleon Hill
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 07/01/2006 :  13:43:42  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
This week's Brinks box (25 rolls)
786 Coppers 31.44%
1700 Zinc
10 Canadian
4 Wheat

As soon as I get my coin sorter built I'll be getting a lot more Brinks boxes.

I think it's real important to continue to keep records of our percentages. If we see a weakinging economy in the US, I expect more poeple will be cashing in their penny stqashes and ultimately increase the copper numbers. If only we had started collecting in 1982 we woul dhave 100% coppers.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

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Posted - 07/02/2006 :  17:16:21  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
Got 20 rolls from Walmart yesterday and got 28% Coppers. I received half paper rolled and half clear plastic rolled. The plastic rolled was a disappointing 23% and the paper rolled was 33%. Based on previous history I expected higher numbers from the paper rolled. I also received 1 dime, 7 Canadian, and 4 wheat. Most of the Canadians came from the plastic rolls and most of the wheats and the dime came from paper.
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143 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2006 :  04:41:22  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
search 2 boxes (100 rolls) of Canadian pennies:

first box
_______________grams_____________number of cents
USA cents---------435------------------161------------
82'-96' inclusive-1755-----------------702------------(1755/2.5=702)

second box
_______________grams_____________number of cents
USA cents---------445------------------165------------
82'-96' inclusive-1765-----------------706------------(1765/2.5=706)

wheat pennies, king george pennies, foreign coins, and canadian 10 cents were put aside without being recorded during the process of sorting, so the numbers do not add up to 2500

some numbers( 82'-96' inclusive and 97'-2006')were derived by weighing, not by counting

i have two categories for canadian copper pennies because of their shapes:

the ones minted in 81' and before ( <=81' ) are circular, with pennies minted in 79' and before weighing 3.24 grams, while pennies minted in 80' and 81' weigh 2.80 grams

the ones minted between 82' to 96' (82'-96') are angular, or 12-sided, weigh only 2.50 grams

the copper-plated zinc pennies from 97' to 2006' weigh 2.25 grams; these will be rolled up and returned to the bank(s)

i have counted up 1000 circular copper pennies which weigh either 2.80 grams or 3.24 grams each; the total weight is 3085 grams with my electric balance accurate to the nearest of 5 grams

so let X be the percentage of coins being the 3.24 gram type

we have:

3.24(X)+2.80(1-X) = 3.085

so X is about 0.65, and (1-X) is about 0.35

thus the heavier circular canadian copper pennies( <=79') appear approximately 65% of the time, among the circular copper pennies, which are easily distinguisable by appearance (due to different queen effigies) during sorting from the copper-plated zinc pennies minted from 1997 to 2006

teach your kids to sort pennies, and they will not spend your money like crazy

Edited by - n/a on 07/04/2006 16:39:02
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1035 Posts

Posted - 07/03/2006 :  16:57:42  Show Profile Send Tourney64 a Private Message
I am really surprised at how many US coins you get in your boxes. Even without the price of copper, you make 10% on currency conversion. We aren't getting nearly as many Canadian coins here.
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143 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2006 :  03:00:58  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
Originally posted by Tourney64

I am really surprised at how many US coins you get in your boxes. Even without the price of copper, you make 10% on currency conversion. We aren't getting nearly as many Canadian coins here.

local banks in vancouver are taking in american coins as in one to one conversion, so no profit, even dimes and quarters; besides, american's pennies are of 95% copper purity, so they are actually carrying less copper(3.11 x 0.95=2.9545 versus 3.085x0.98=3.0233) than canadian circular pennies minted in 81' and before (pennies minted in '80 and '81 are actually just 2.80 grams, but they are circular, just the same as the 3.24 grams '79 and before pennies, so collectively, with the heavier copper pennies appearing about 65% of the time, circular copper pennies are on average, weighing about 3.085 grams, which, together with their 98% copper purity, outweighs the amerian copper pennies, in terms of their copper content)

if i have to use the canadian copper pennies as in face value, i would use the 2.50 grams minted in 82' to 96', next would be '80 and 81', and only then will i use '79 and before

for all those american pennies i found in the canadian penny rolls(160/2500=6.4%), i would save all of them, as someone mentioned here that zinc content in those zinc penies may worth more than their face value one day, and alos, i can go though them numismatically

teach your kids to sort pennies, and they will not spend your money like crazy

Edited by - n/a on 07/04/2006 03:03:19
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2006 :  17:10:49  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
I picked up $30 Canadian Nickelsin counter rolls of nickels from TD today. I'm now hoarding not only the pre-1981 .999 Ni ones, but also the 1982-1999 Cupronickel ones that are the same as standard American nickels, as they are also now real money, and a way for me to get more copper in my holdings without having to worry about sortring penny boxes also.

So, from 600 nickels I got:

143 .999 Ni or 23.83%
292 75/25 CuNi or 48.66%

or a total hardable percentage of 72.49%

I always try to get a whole $100 worth of Nickels when I'm out, so I took the other $70 to the CIBC branch, but they gave me $70 in unopened 2006 mint rolls of steel nickels, so I'm just gonna haul those right back to my returns bank unopened. I did get a nifty Royal Canadian Mint nickel rolls box with them, though, which I'll keep to store my hoard in.
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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 07/04/2006 :  17:42:37  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
1946-2006 Nickel $0.05 $0.0556039 111.2000%

If you can conceive it, you can achieve it. -Napoleon Hill
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