So i was having a bad day at work and i decided to walk around the block and hit up some banks. I went to two banks. At the second bank I asked the teller if they had any halves and he said yes $8.50 worth, but they are kind of dirty. They were all 40%! 17 40% halves at one teller nonne were clad!
my standard opperating procedure is that every time i walk by a bank I ask the same questions;
1) Do you have any halve dollars?
2) Do you have any larger old dollars?
3) Do you have any strange or old coins or bills?
I work in a major city so I have about 100 banks in my neighborhood near where I work. So with the regular $1000 pickup from one bank the SOP's work pretty well. I hit about 3 banks per day on Average. On Fridays I hit about 15-20 because they are open later.