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New Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 01:24:51
So Saturday morning me and wife go to a local monthly auction. For some of this and that etc. Well I convinced her to stick around and I noticed a few items worth scrapping even though a few junk men were in the crowd. My best deals are as follow, I think anyway.
About 25ft radiant floor heater, 5 lbs copper tube. 15lbs Alum, 25lb scrap tin, Price $4
Heater core from a chevy 90's model truck. About 3-4 lbs alum Radiator Price $1
2 Barn heaters, (Meant to purchase 1 for the thermostat I been wanting.) Copper tubing roughly 2lb. Insulated wire 2-3 lb, Elec Motor 10 lbs Scrap metal/steel 80lbs. 2 thermostat controls (Working!!! $50-80 each new from industrial company) total cost on BOTH heaters, $1. Not to mention think 1 flame jet is copper or brass can't remember,2-3 lbs worth
A few things I past on because wife was getting that look. And a few I just wasn't in at the time.
Honorable mention. A free pile of misc books clothes etc. With about 5 lbs of Xmas lights.
To me the heaters were the best deal of the century. Since 1 seems to work but haven't set to propane tank yet. Cycles thru like a working unit (Used to work with them in hog barns). And like i said the thermostat units (1 is a piggyback plug set up the other is wired to the heater.) These heater units new cost around $500. 1 won't be able to use myself unless I figure out a rig, computer switchboard controlled. So what would the profit % be with $1 invested with a $400 return if I were to sell the working unit? LOL more than I thought to make going to the sale.
Penny Pincher Member

103 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 10:14:28
Good eye, money is lying around everywhere, just take time to look for it. |
New Member

16 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 10:32:53
Last nite (This morning 2:30 am) i tried both heaters, They didn't get hooked to propaone yet but both cycle thru and ignitions engage. So I have 2 working heaters it seems. 1 for my garage (Woodstove was 1st idea) and other for my 30x40 pole barn. On a bad note though I still need the thermometers if I do use them as heating units. LOL |
Penny Pincher Member

106 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 13:18:42
Nicely done!!! We have an auction site local here as well and plan on checking it out. |
Looking for a great summer read?? Stop by You think the US/Mexican border is bad now?? |
Penny Collector Member

381 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 14:56:17
Nice score. |
MD Totals: Started Aug16th.(Updated Sept10th) 819 clad/cu coins/$41.13 Quarters-78 Dimes-122+1 silver roosie (1957) Nickels-81 (56d,53d) Copper Pennies-147 Zinc Pennies-386 Wheats-5 (36,36,46,46d,50d) |
Penny Pincher Member

117 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 16:41:33
Nice buys and I know what cha mean when they get that look in their eyes. |
Penny Hoarding Member

522 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 21:25:03
Sounds like my kind of auction. The items you describe sound like those big or bulky items that owners/sellers do not want to lug around and are hard to sell to collectors.
Were you the only one with their scrapping think cap on at such auctions?
Robber Baron= Robarons |
New Member

16 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2010 : 22:39:54
At that auction honestly no. There were at least 2 "junkers" maybe as many as 4. But I had my eye on a select few items for purely stripping value. I did skip 2 microwaves for $1 each and a PC complete with monitor for $3.50. But like I said the wife was getting that "look"
Forgot to mention got an old type wooden tool box about 4 ft long that had some power tools in it. The air ratchet, add a quick connect and bam new working tool. There was a set of cordless 18v tools. Circular saw, jig saw and drill. But no battery pack or charger. I meant to scrap out the motors but trimmed off the battery holder and tried my other battery pack. And another set of cordless tools. Junking the drill as I have 3 now. But the Jig saw and circular will come in handy on my next little job I have lined up for myself. A 40 ft trailor I am buying purely for scrapping. The tin I may use to weatherize some of my building, but the trailor has ALL the wiring and copper water pipes. And teh window frames and plan to make a car hauler from the frame/tongue. Some of the wood will be used as well as I build coops for my chickens and ducks (Recycle grass into eggs and meat for the freezer.). |
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