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Penny Hoarding Member

572 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2010 :  08:51:39  Show Profile Send cptindy a Private Message
All the jive talk-in' BS that has flooded the airwaves or should I say co axle cable will slowly dissipate from this point forward.

Those that receive salaries from major conglomerate news machines will make small attempts to paint a rosy picture but overall there is not much left to say that will make a mental change possible.

BS only goes so far even in this sheeple society. We are now on the cusp of a downward spiral that will most likely be painted in a "we don't understand" perspective. Followed by a "to big to fail" repeat. Only this time the money will be for our own solvency and will impact our localities with a more severity.

All we speak of will now begin to unfold. I am not pleased but it is what it is.

I expect one more calamity (prolly California and/or a gulf region problem) and then the dollar amount to rectify to begin to come out.

With the ever increasing commercial real estate issue on top of the oil calamity, while in the midst of an immigration issue, then compounded by states ineptitude to solve their own issue's based on a dependency addiction, we are toast.

Oh Yeah, Freddie and Fannie, lets not forget their 50% plus "ownership" in US Homes. I use that word lightly!

That does not even take into account the health care bill which after all the hoopla has no clear design or specification. Social Security has yet again been left to drift in the wind as if it is of no concern to our immediate health.

We continue to fund a war machine which has no purpose other than filling those that benefit with as much "Gold" and "oil" as they can steal.

Folk's, this is it.

"It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting"

" The average man doesn't want to be free. He wants to be safe."

H.L. Mencken

1000+ Penny Miser Member

2408 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2010 :  19:46:39  Show Profile Send beauanderos a Private Message
By the end of 2011, you will recall these as the good old days. The oil gusher smacks to me of maybe one of the first signs of the Apocalypse. Guess what? Scientists are debating whether or not the dispersant, when vaporized, will lead to acid rain (exacerbated by hurricanes in its spread) that will destroy all microbial life! You must be logged in to see this link.

Hoard now and hold on!
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