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Delawhere Jack
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1680 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  21:33:23  Show Profile Send Delawhere Jack a Private Message
Social security, the biggest ponzi scheme of all time.
Bailing out "too big to fail" banks.
Unemployment funding for states that have bankrupted themselves.
Wars in two foreign lands that have no clearly stated objectives.
Salaries of 300,000 teachers in states that are bankrupt.
Bailout for auto companies that are actively moving production to Mexico
Mexican invaders "health coverage", food stamps, WIC, sect. 8, etc.
Mortgage assistance for people who got in WAY over thier heads buying a house.
Legal fees and trial costs for foreigners who tried to blow us up.
$400M to Hamas, a proxy of Iran.
Interest on our debt, which most of us never agreed to assume.

Please, feel free to add you pet peeve spending boondoogle item(s).

I'm P@#@# off!

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." Thomas Jefferson

1000+ Penny Miser Member

Saudi Arabia
2080 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  21:43:36  Show Profile  Send Neckro an AOL message  Click to see Neckro's MSN Messenger address  Send Neckro a Yahoo! Message Send Neckro a Private Message
I rather the 400m go to Hamas than the $114 Billion we've given Israel. =)

Trolling is an art.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1964 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  21:59:17  Show Profile Send Bluegill a Private Message
Originally posted by Neckro

I rather the 400m go to Hamas than the $114 Billion we've given Israel. =)

I rather we not give money to either. But given a choice of one or the other, I agree.

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1617 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:17:02  Show Profile Send thogey a Private Message
Originally posted by Neckro

I rather the 400m go to Hamas than the $114 Billion we've given Israel. =)

I'd give Hamas about half that, delivered in 750KT trade units. Guarenteed delivery in 30 minutes or the next one would be free.

Come to the new and improved realcent:
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Delawhere Jack
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1680 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:18:17  Show Profile Send Delawhere Jack a Private Message
So, first two replies come back regarding a $400M item.... That's $1.33 cents per knucklehead in the USA.

How about the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS issues? Or is your hatred for our one solid ally in the middle east just so deeaply ingrained that you are blind to the fact that we are (fiscally) toast?

Freakin' Obamites.......

(WHOAAAA!!!!!, yeah, I said it!!!!)

Hee-hee-hee... stirring the pot is what I do!

"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." Thomas Jefferson

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1964 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:19:51  Show Profile Send Bluegill a Private Message
Originally posted by Delawhere Jack

Social security, the biggest ponzi scheme of all time.
Bailing out "too big to fail" banks.
Unemployment funding for states that have bankrupted themselves.
Wars in two foreign lands that have no clearly stated objectives.
Salaries of 300,000 teachers in states that are bankrupt.
Bailout for auto companies that are actively moving production to Mexico
Mexican invaders "health coverage", food stamps, WIC, sect. 8, etc.

There are more of your indigenous brethren collecting the aforementioned welfare than the invaders. This could explain why we stupidly choose not to shut the welfare off to effectively eliminate the invader problem. In reality, the indigenous don't want to lose their access to the government teet.

Instead we will take the most ineffective, costliest and counterproductive manner we can come up with. Doomed to fail like every other government program, further impoverish us, and further erode civil liberties.

But yes, this welfare (in all it's forms) whether being consumed by invaders or the indigenous, has to stop.

Mortgage assistance for people who got in WAY over thier heads buying a house.
Legal fees and trial costs for foreigners who tried to blow us up.

They tried to blow us up because we have been blowing them up for decades. That's what happens when you wage war against a creed, they eventually bring the fight to your doorstep. 9/11 was a reactionn to our actions.

$400M to Hamas, a proxy of Iran.
Interest on our debt, which most of us never agreed to assume.

Please, feel free to add you pet peeve spending boondoogle item(s).

I'm P@#@# off!

You can add,
All foreign aid.
Corporate welfare.
All selective (and discriminatory) tax deductions that only certain segments of society are eligible for.

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1964 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:26:32  Show Profile Send Bluegill a Private Message
Originally posted by Delawhere Jack

So, first two replies come back regarding a $400M item.... That's $1.33 cents per knucklehead in the USA.

How about the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS issues? Or is your hatred for our one solid ally in the middle east just so deeaply ingrained that you are blind to the fact that we are (fiscally) toast?

Freakin' Obamites.......

(WHOAAAA!!!!!, yeah, I said it!!!!)

Hee-hee-hee... stirring the pot is what I do!

Ok, you wanna stir the fg pot. Call me an Obamite??? Israel is not our ally, Israel is our enemy. Have you been paying attention you Glenn Beck watching, Sarah Palin worshiping, war mongering Neo-Con statist tea bagger.

Edited by - Bluegill on 06/13/2010 22:27:40
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1617 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:31:44  Show Profile Send thogey a Private Message
Originally posted by Delawhere Jack

So, first two replies come back regarding a $400M item.... That's $1.33 cents per knucklehead in the USA.

How about the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS issues? Or is your hatred for our one solid ally in the middle east just so deeaply ingrained that you are blind to the fact that we are (fiscally) toast?

Freakin' Obamites.......

(WHOAAAA!!!!!, yeah, I said it!!!!)

Hee-hee-hee... stirring the pot is what I do!

Why did you not comment on my economical alternative.

Americans are a bunch of weaklings who are afraid to die.
Americans can't handle freedom or responsibility.

That's where the trillions go!

Our enemies could be dispatched quickly and economically.

Come to the new and improved realcent:
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

Saudi Arabia
2080 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:34:17  Show Profile  Send Neckro an AOL message  Click to see Neckro's MSN Messenger address  Send Neckro a Yahoo! Message Send Neckro a Private Message
Other than Hamas isn't at war with us... Why blow them up? Send the Bomb a few miles off and take out israel too.

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Trolling is an art.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1964 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:40:32  Show Profile Send Bluegill a Private Message
Originally posted by thogey

Originally posted by Delawhere Jack

So, first two replies come back regarding a $400M item.... That's $1.33 cents per knucklehead in the USA.

How about the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS issues? Or is your hatred for our one solid ally in the middle east just so deeaply ingrained that you are blind to the fact that we are (fiscally) toast?

Freakin' Obamites.......

(WHOAAAA!!!!!, yeah, I said it!!!!)

Hee-hee-hee... stirring the pot is what I do!

Why did you not comment on my economical alternative.

Americans are a bunch of weaklings who are afraid to die.
Americans can't handle freedom or responsibility.

That's where the trillions go!

Our enemies could be dispatched quickly and economically.

Why are you so quick to start throwing nukss around?

Aside from the ecological ramifications of such a stupid act, why are you so intent on killing people who stand up to tyranny? How Christian of you.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the U.S. and Israel are the aggressors in that region?

Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the U.S. started that fight?

Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the U.S. is an immoral Imperial power that commits acts upon other nations, that if the tables were reversed, you and the rest of you ilk would be screaming for more glorious Christian Imperial warfare?

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1617 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:42:12  Show Profile Send thogey a Private Message
Originally posted by Neckro

Other than Hamas isn't at war with us... Why blow them up? Send the Bomb a few miles off and take out Israel too.

You must be logged in to see this link.

Our oldest, crappiest ICBMs have a 50% chance of hitting a target within a 2000 meter circle. We wouldn't be a few miles off.

Come to the new and improved realcent:
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1617 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  22:46:32  Show Profile Send thogey a Private Message
Originally posted by Bluegill

Originally posted by thogey

Originally posted by Delawhere Jack

So, first two replies come back regarding a $400M item.... That's $1.33 cents per knucklehead in the USA.

How about the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS issues? Or is your hatred for our one solid ally in the middle east just so deeaply ingrained that you are blind to the fact that we are (fiscally) toast?

Freakin' Obamites.......

(WHOAAAA!!!!!, yeah, I said it!!!!)

Hee-hee-hee... stirring the pot is what I do!

Why did you not comment on my economical alternative.

Americans are a bunch of weaklings who are afraid to die.
Americans can't handle freedom or responsibility.

That's where the trillions go!

Our enemies could be dispatched quickly and economically.

Why are you so quick to start throwing nukss around?

Aside from the ecological ramifications of such a stupid act, why are you so intent on killing people who stand up to tyranny? How Christian of you.

Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the U.S. and Israel are the aggressors in that region?

Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the U.S. started that fight?

Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the U.S. is an immoral Imperial power that commits acts upon other nations, that if the tables were reversed, you and the rest of you ilk would be screaming for more glorious Christian Imperial warfare?

The answer to your question is.. Bluegill!

I've had a few beers and I'm bustin your balls... OK

I love you guys.

Edit to add: My attitude does not reflect Christian doctrine.

Christians understand we are not perfect, in fact we are down-right sinful. We rely on His sacrifice. Otherwise we know we are damned.

Also: I have no authority to throw nukes around. This is a discussion forum, not a mandate on military policy.

Lighten-up, High blood pressure is killer.

Come to the new and improved realcent:

Edited by - thogey on 06/13/2010 23:06:00
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Penny Collector Member

395 Posts

Posted - 06/13/2010 :  23:11:48  Show Profile Send PennyPauper a Private Message
I'm shocked by the disrespect here!
Name calling is unproductive,and childish.
Debating the issues is fine,but lets not rip each other apart over politics.
Its the same behavior our politicians practice,and thats not getting us too far now is it.

At this point I almost want them to spend so much that they break the system,then and only then will it be known how good we had it.

Available again! $100 of Copper Lincoln Memorials for $145 shipped.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2906 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  00:02:11  Show Profile Send Kurr a Private Message

When a Christian expresses his belief publicly, and is Baptized, are not his sins washed away?

Does it not say that we are REBORN in the spirit of Christ and are free of our sinful nature? Does not the Spirit dwell within us? Can the Holy Spirit co-exist with sin?

I won't hijack this thread but I just found this looking for a verse and it kind of sums it up


The Christian must live consciously of their thoughts and actions every day. When I recognize that I have victory over sin in Christ Jesus, I am not going to believe the lie that I’m always going to sin. When I don’t believe the lie then I don’t live under the lie. And if I don’t live under the lie, then my life is truly free of it and I live by the truth, which is that I am not bound by sin.

Please don't say Christians are downright sinful. It is my most utmost desire in the world, above all else to stay within His law, and follow His will. I study. I pray. I read the scriptures, the link in my sig for the KJV has a hyper linked concordance of the words and meaning of the original tongues, so others can too.

Every link in my sig is in someway related to being Christian. I do everything I can to avoid Sin, breaking his commandments, disobeying His Word, and allowing Sin to enter my heart. I am proud to say I am a Christian, that is a follower of the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Please do not say I am downright sinful.

1Pe 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

Jhn 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b]
He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?

KJV Bible w/ Strong's Concordance:
The book of The Hundreds:
The Two Republics:
Good reading:

A number of people are educated beyond, sometimes way beyond, their intelligence. - Tenbears

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2906 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  00:07:36  Show Profile Send Kurr a Private Message
Ya know what PennyPauper, I think you may be right on them breaking the system once and for all. More and More people are waking up to what it is, just by seeing the cracks.

I don't think we have it good. Or have had for awhile.

Being robbed invisibly By a system that steals your money by inflation, if that was just the only thing completely wrong going on, is still being robbed.

But like I said, people are waking up FAST.

The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b]
He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?

KJV Bible w/ Strong's Concordance:
The book of The Hundreds:
The Two Republics:
Good reading:

A number of people are educated beyond, sometimes way beyond, their intelligence. - Tenbears

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Penny Collector Member

395 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  00:30:08  Show Profile Send PennyPauper a Private Message
Originally posted by Kurr


When a Christian expresses his belief publicly, and is Baptized, are not his sins washed away?

Does it not say that we are REBORN in the spirit of Christ and are free of our sinful nature? Does not the Spirit dwell within us? Can the Holy Spirit co-exist with sin?

I won't hijack this thread but I just found this looking for a verse and it kind of sums it up


The Christian must live consciously of their thoughts and actions every day. When I recognize that I have victory over sin in Christ Jesus, I am not going to believe the lie that I’m always going to sin. When I don’t believe the lie then I don’t live under the lie. And if I don’t live under the lie, then my life is truly free of it and I live by the truth, which is that I am not bound by sin.

Please don't say Christians are downright sinful. It is my most utmost desire in the world, above all else to stay within His law, and follow His will. I study. I pray. I read the scriptures, the link in my sig for the KJV has a hyper linked concordance of the words and meaning of the original tongues, so others can too.

Every link in my sig is in someway related to being Christian. I do everything I can to avoid Sin, breaking his commandments, disobeying His Word, and allowing Sin to enter my heart. I am proud to say I am a Christian, that is a follower of the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Please do not say I am downright sinful.

1Pe 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

Jhn 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Thank You Kurr! I too have been mislead that all Christians are sinful.We hear that its in our nature,and we will eventually stumble and figure that we are doomed to repeat our mistakes.Usually right after we discover the truth and throw off our chains.
You can have arguements about the currencys of the world,but none are as strong as the truth.

Available again! $100 of Copper Lincoln Memorials for $145 shipped.
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Penny Collector Member

395 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  00:53:24  Show Profile Send PennyPauper a Private Message
Originally posted by Kurr

Ya know what PennyPauper, I think you may be right on them breaking the system once and for all. More and More people are waking up to what it is, just by seeing the cracks.

I don't think we have it good. Or have had for awhile.

Being robbed invisibly By a system that steals your money by inflation, if that was just the only thing completely wrong going on, is still being robbed.

But like I said, people are waking up FAST.

We have it good compared to the other people around the world.Yet we squander it through ignorance. Like making the same mistake over and over.We ARE being robbed by the fed,but like you said more are waking up everyday,hopefully we wake up to more than just that.

Available again! $100 of Copper Lincoln Memorials for $145 shipped.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2164 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  01:37:49  Show Profile Send wolvesdad a Private Message
yeah, this thread got jacked...

"if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sin, God who is faithful and just will forgive our sin and cleanse us of all unrighteousness."
This isn't a one time sentence. It is an every day prayer.

"May your percentages ever increase!"
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AGgressive Metal

1937 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  02:26:01  Show Profile Send AGgressive Metal a Private Message
The righteous man sins seven times a day.

And he that hath lyberte ought to kepe hit wel / For nothyng is better than lyberte / For lyberte shold not be wel sold for alle the gold and syluer of all the world.
-Caxton's edition of Aesop's Fables, 1484
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2906 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  09:03:59  Show Profile Send Kurr a Private Message
And all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God.

No we are not reborn perfect creatures, but the NATURE changes, and we are drawn toward serving and obedience, where before in the "natural" state, we were drawn to sin.

The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b]
He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?

KJV Bible w/ Strong's Concordance:
The book of The Hundreds:
The Two Republics:
Good reading:

A number of people are educated beyond, sometimes way beyond, their intelligence. - Tenbears

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1664 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  16:36:09  Show Profile Send daviscfad a Private Message
And all have sinned and fell short of the glory of God.

And notice in that statement it says all have sinned and fell short not all are sinners. There is a difference in someone who has sinned and someone who is a sinner. But enough of my beliefs

Inquiring minds want to know
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El Dee
Penny Hoarding Member

547 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  16:42:08  Show Profile Send El Dee a Private Message
Originally posted by Bluegill

Originally posted by Delawhere Jack

So, first two replies come back regarding a $400M item.... That's $1.33 cents per knucklehead in the USA.

How about the BILLIONS and TRILLIONS issues? Or is your hatred for our one solid ally in the middle east just so deeaply ingrained that you are blind to the fact that we are (fiscally) toast?

Freakin' Obamites.......

(WHOAAAA!!!!!, yeah, I said it!!!!)

Hee-hee-hee... stirring the pot is what I do!

Ok, you wanna stir the fg pot. Call me an Obamite??? Israel is not our ally, Israel is our enemy. Have you been paying attention you Glenn Beck watching, Sarah Palin worshiping, war mongering Neo-Con statist tea bagger.

You forgot Skull and Bones in there, somewhere.

I'm gonna pull a Ponce here.
See ya, suckers, and thanks for all the fish!

Trust the government? Ask an Indian.
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Delawhere Jack
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1680 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  17:58:44  Show Profile Send Delawhere Jack a Private Message

Ok, I was over the top with the Obamites reference, but please note the "hee-hee-hee" line at the bottom of the post. Lighten up a little...

On the other hand, why is it that most any thread that even REMOTELY touches the middle east has to turn into an Isreal bashing session?

I don't want to argue the point anymore. I'm not going to change any minds, and I'm not seeing any factual statements put forward that will change mine. So, could we get back to the theme of the thread?

Let me rephrase the question:

Where is the limit to what we taxpayers are going to be FORCED to pay for? Is there any limit? My contention is that DC, and many state capitals are nothing more than whoresnests. But rather than the pols turning tricks for cash, we're the ones getting "stuffed" (against our will), and when it's over, we get the bill.


"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." Thomas Jefferson

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1617 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  18:07:08  Show Profile Send thogey a Private Message
OK, I was over the top with the nuke references.

Let's be civil.

Not all Christians are sinners (I am) but not all.

Hey Jack, I've tried Hee hee hee at home with the warden (wife).
She doesn't get it either.

Let's be peaceful.

Come to the new and improved realcent:
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5580 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  18:31:06  Show Profile Send Nickelless a Private Message
Something tells me that the government isn't going to pay for ammo and food storage, so we'd better get our own.

And Thogey, double-check Romans 3:23--every one of us are sinners, some of us have just asked God for forgiveness.

Visit my new preparedness site:
--Latest article: Stocking up on spices to keep food preps lively


Be prepared...and prepared to help:

Are you ready spiritually for hard times?
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1617 Posts

Posted - 06/14/2010 :  18:51:19  Show Profile Send thogey a Private Message
Back on topic:
I don't want to pay for.
Anyone's pregnancy termination.
Uneducated illiterate single women with 5 kids by 4 different men.
Most foreign aid (including Israel, Bluegill)
For trying to keep old people alive forever (I'm willing to die of an old age infirmity)
Wildlife preservation programs.
Most public education, a little aid is OK not full blown entitlement.
No college for any one. Snot nose college boys can work their own way through it.
Lawns on any military base.
AIDS Research. (a 100 percent preventable disease)
Pre-school daycare or school lunches. People can take care of their own kids (Handicapped and extreme circumstances excluded)
Wetlands preservation (tax credits) NDFARMER probably know what I'm talking about.
Peoples alcohol and drug rehab.
Keeping people on death row alive.
Social security(I don't expect to be a recipient)
Most of the gov buildings in DC.
Public housing.
Saving Darfur
Pull out of Iraq Today (the job is done, let those a$$holes kill each other, we can't stop them anyway. All they understand is an iron fisted dictatorship.)
The Census

Foreign languages on gov documents.

All church tax exemptions. (they have a nice cash business don't they)
There's more coming.

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