Someone must have dumped their copper hoard! Decided to stop by a bank I had never been to and was told they had 3 $50. bags I could buy. Excited that I found another place to pick up bags. While carrying them out, I noticed that they looked very different, lots of different shades of copper. I started sorting the first bag and they were VERY DIFFERENT. We get alot of dirty cents here in my area so was amazed that these were cleaner. Real clean, they had been cleaned. All three bags are the same. I would say that 75-85% of the bags are cleaned copper. Not sure if that is good or bad but copper is copper. I have sorted only one bag so far. Looks like maybe someone decided to experiment with different techniques of cleaning. I would say the CU % on there bags were excellent!
Good news that you now have another source for bags of pennies. Wish I could get bags here in Central Florida but every place we ask they only say boxes or normally just a few rolls.