Recently I have started sorting pennies, I get three boxes a week from the local bank, last week I got a full box of 2009 pennies still in the RCM plastic tubes. What do I do with them? Trade them in for more copper or hang on to them
Check if they are magnetic or not would be my advice. If they are magnetic, send them back. If they are not magnetic, you've got the uncommon variety - check eBay for current prices.
I do not know if Canada is reducing mintages like they are in America, but I would assume they would have some kind of premium. Also these coins tend to gain value over time, I have had BU boxes of 2007 and 2008 pennies I have returned and they carry a nice prem now.
Here is a posting from the coin community site with details on 2009 pennies.
"The mint's website now has the 2009 annual report in pdf for download.
The main highlight is the mintage split between 2009-produced zinc and steel cents: 36.6 million versus 419.1 million. Since no 2008-dated cents were produced, we can conclude that there are at least 36.6 million zinc 2009-dated cents in circulation."