Today I got $100 in pennies i.e. four $25 Brinks boxes. When I opened them I noticed the plastic wrappers looked old and they were in fact brittle and popped open extremely easily.
When I first start dumping them in the bucket I quickly saw what appeared to be 99% all copper. I've already run one box and out of $25 approximately $23 was 95% copper.
I quickly opened the other three boxes and saw the same type of rolls. I called the bank and reserved the other pennies they got in.
I realize money is not rotated, but his seems odd especially since there were some new coins in the mix. I can understand a few rolls but close to $100 worth, I wonder how this happened? Has this happened recently to anyone else?
This happened to me a little over a year ago. But my circumstances were a little different. I got a really odd mix... I think my total buy was $300 and the boxes that I got were either 95% zincs or 95% coppers. This was from a Brinks bank. The rolls were new plastic wrap.