Penny Sorter Member

 76 Posts |
Posted - 04/14/2010 : 15:23:31
I just recently turned my sister on to sorting pennies. She went to her local coin dealer (who is up in years), and asked him if he had any wheaties for sale. He told her that another gentlemen buys most of what he gets, but that he had about $25 in spare change. She paid $104 for the lot, and brought them home. Most were in rolls. He claimed that "they were unsorted", and that "he is too old to fool with them anymore".
My sister began to sort them, and has already found a 1913 S in VF, and numerous other pennies in the 09's, teens, twenties and thirties. She is a novice at this, who knows what she is finding; she does not even have a coin book to tell her the values!
My point here is that as the ole timers age, and the younger, more "cameo" oriented dealers rise to ascendacy; perhaps they (both the older and younger dealers) really won't have time to "fool" with Lincolns. So do not overlook local coin dealers; some may have treasure troves waiting for you at three to five cents a piece!