The last few weeks have been rather productive scrap wise but I still can't stop thinking about the "one that got away." In the last two weeks I've seen two 8 foot aluminum ladders on the side of the Florida turnpike that I couldn't pull over to pick up for one reason or another. I thought my luck had changed yesterday when I saw two fullsize mountain bikes on the side of the highway. I immediately pulled over and backed the truck up. Within seconds of loading the first bike a state trooper pulls up and ask me if they're mine. I tell him no and point out the fact they've been run over but he tells me to put them back as, "someone just called these in." I suppose I would understand if the bikes were new but these were old, rusty, and one was bent quite bad.
What are the laws with regards to finding stuff like that alongside the interstate?
Is that considered abandoned property?
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