Yesterday I found a rough wheat penny while searching rolls out of a Brinks box. When I took a magnifying glass to it, I made out 191.. easily, but only with more work did I determine the 4 at the end. Also I saw what appeared to be a D underneath the date. Then, I asked my wife to give her opinion without biasing her on what I saw; she came up with 1914 D as well! But I could see some debating this one!
great find Aristobolus!! I found a 1911s in almost exactly the same condition. Too bad it isn't in better (easily identifiable) condition, but it sure as heck works as a filler until something better comes along. Way to go, that's one of the hardest ones to find!
Congrats!!! I have always wanted to find a key date while searching. I did find a 1933 P last night from a brinks box, but that's nothing compared to a 14D!!