I will want do business with copper scrap.I am beginner...If i received more quantity copper scrap.How i can check copper scrap?How to know that this is the right copper.pls explain me.I must be very careful.Thank you
visually, magnetically, and through electrical resistance, with the resistance and or specific gravity being the most accurate, absent chemical testing.
Welcome to the forum. Where ya from?
The silver [is] mine, and the gold [is] mine, saith the LORD of hosts. Hag 2:8 [/b] He created it. He controls it. He gave it to us for His use. Why did we turn from sound scriptural currency that PROTECTS us?
Visually is usually the easiest. Just be aware that sometimes in electrical motors aluminum wire is coated with a varnish that is copper colored. Just scrape the wire to make sure it is copper. Also sometimes copper wire is coated with tin and therefore does not look like copper even though it is. Also copper won't stick to a magnet. Good luck.
What will this copper be used for? If it's for scrap I can give you a quick run down of the different grades of copper and how to identify/sort them or your scrap man could probably do an even better job than me.
Copper waste will use for scrap. i will want do import to my country. I have fear because it is very expensive.it is big quantity. i have fear from my money :-)
My best advice is to do lots of research and use common sense and a calculator. If you had a truck load or two you needed to sort and sell to your local yard i could help you more, but I believe this is a bit beyond my scope.
I saw a guy using one of those guns on TV once. Pretty sweet. However, it's been my experience, when they'll come give me a free demonstration, I can't afford it!