I had my cable installed and the cable company left 37 feet of outdoor cable line. It is well insulated 3/8 inch diameter and has a strip of aluminum attached to make it ridged. I was just wondering if it has more value than the 0.46 lbs of copper core and 1-1.5 lbs of aluminum.
That’s probably why he left it behind, definitely not worth stripping. I came across this website that list the feet required for any gauge copper to make a pound. You must be logged in to see this link.
Yeah, I thought I hit the jackpot once when I filled the back of of my truck with it from an illegal dump site I knew of. That quickly changed when I got to the scrap yard, they took it as mixed still. I think I got fifty cents for the whole batch! The funny part is that another visit to that site loaded me up with chain link fence. It made the coax look good as the yard wouldn't even take it! Live and learn.
QUESTION -- Has anyone seen a new type of coax that has a smaller than normal strip of coax on one side and fused at the middle is another insulated tube but it contains three smaller power wires. I hit a dumpster in front of a new CVS last night and there were tons of boxes for new security cameras and I found a bunch of this wire as well. I'm guessing this type of coax was for the camera installation. Hopefully the yard will take it as is for #2 insulated (roughly .75/lb) without making me split the coax off.