I found another where I live also. Now I have 5 available to me. I usually dump 4 bags at each so now I can easily dump 20 bags a week if I get that much sorted. I might have to increase my standing orders.
COPPER - the "poormans" precious metal!!!
SELLING - $100.00 face copper shipped to you for $189.00 machine rolled or bagged - PM me if your interested.
The cool thing about this union is that they are everywhere around this town. I easily have 20 of them to go to within 10 miles of me. They do have self bagging sorters that fill at $50. So I will have to call someone to change out the bag every time I go in. I hear boxes of chocolates in my future.
Thanks for tall the info guys, there's one more of you on the block.
The coin counters in my town all hold 3 bags of pennies. So I can bring in up to 5 bags and they only have to change them once. My banks also put aside any bags they have filled since the I dumped the previous week so sometimes I go in and dump 4 bags and go home with 4 bags.
COPPER - the "poormans" precious metal!!!
SELLING - $100.00 face copper shipped to you for $189.00 machine rolled or bagged - PM me if your interested.
Sounds good! I'm still looking for a dump bank before I begin to get serious. I'm planning on calling every bank to see if they offer free coin counting.
Check out our new site, RealCent.org!
"There are people who are very resourceful, at being remorseful, and who apparently feel that the best way to make friends is to do something terrible and then make amends." -Ogden Nash
I just found out today that there are only 3 coin counters near me and only a select few do have the counter.
Better than none I guess.
Went on a stealth mission to more around town and was shocked that just about all had no counters at all. May have to fish around on the phone a little more.
At least you found some. There are none at any banks around me at all. The only place that has one is my Credit Union.. and they are only open M-F when I have to be at work. Worse.. the machine is a CoinStar!
"My you have a lot of coins. Please wait while we catch up."
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
I go to my bank which is locally owned the girls there are great. If for some reason the machine is out of order,they will count my pennies and deposit in my account. I get my pennies from another bank which I also have an account. This system works fine for me they have about five branches in town. Again locally owned.
NoCents, 3 is GREAT. Just use a different one each week, that way they only see you once every 3 weeks and you should be able to go a long long time w/o getting cut off. I have used 2 different ones on the same day. But when you have 5 5gal buckets to get rid of that becomes 25 bags.
You don't have to be the BEST you just have to be.......SLICK
I'm only dropin' like $85 on them at a time so the most they have to change it out is twice. This was day one of dumping, I can say it went very smooth, I even figured a way to get a bag from one after being turned down for some reason at the first one. My first 5000 score! WooooHoooo! I hand sorted it in 2 hours and got a couple 20's, a nice 44D, a bunch of wheat, and 10 dimes. I'm going to take a road trip(to the beach) and go 9 miles to hit one out of the loop and see if I can use my idea to get a couple more bags out of them. The CWR I got today was gross. $10 was so bad I couldn't make it out, and, I'm looking at $14 marked that I know are searched and blank because I went threw $5 of it going 'no way dude'......"Way!"....So day 2 looks to be as much fun as 1 was.
Day 3& Went to most nothern local with a coin counter. Seems all of them are picked on T&T's so I have to plan M&F pickoffs days. I'm also helping with the opps of dealing with them changing out the bags(I'm marking them)so I don't wind up with my own. No bags today but so far so smooth. Sort Yo!
D4 Only pick up 150 today in boxes. Have my first order of 200 I'm picking up first thing in the AM. Have another moved to Tues. Hoping to pick a few bags on a late friday at the dumps. Can't beleive my buddy picked a 99IH in the $5 of his week. Got a nice 12 and a 15 today. Up to about $180 in copper via hand job. I need a Dale!
Sounds like you got the dump thing down.. and the sourcing is falling into place. Time to step up your game and automate. You have to get one of those wonderful red machines and come over to the dark side.
Only picked up 24 in boxes today.. 24 boxes. Dang, I am getting slow.. I still haven't finished sorting the 24 boxes I picked up Tuesday.
If your percentages are low.. just sort more. If your percentages are high.. just sort more.
Now selling Copper pennies. 1.6x plus shipping. Limited amounts available.
I love how easy it really is to get from just about any one of the banks. When they bust out a line of questions, I got a few angles that seem to work perfect. I'm wearing a local high school football hat with the name plastered on it, when they ask if I have an account, I mearly say no but our school does, if I get the secondary fill on what are 'we' doing with them, I tell them about a the little senior center we go to and do a community service thing with them. You smile, act all nice, and look right at your wallet when your done saying please and pull out the cash, they have yet to turn me down. Get the galf, I'm hooked!
I like to use CUs w/ lobby counters as sources only, unless they will not sell me the bags. I've had one CU cut me off from buying bags. I am thinking of joining that CU to use as a dump. -js
I really stretched out today, went 25 miles to the most northern sorter, got one bag there, hit another I hadn't been to and was turned down without question by a rather rude young man who ran the vault(been the only male to deal with yet, and he will suffer as a heavy dump for me then), hit 2 more on the way back home and yeilded another 2 bags, on from each. All in all I think I've just about got a routine down with my 2 standing orders and a few great dumps. Now if I only had enough money to keep this alive.......
That is funny. I get funny looks or they ask what I need all those pennies for and I tell them that I have a handicapped Grandfather that sits in his wheelchair all day and his hobby is coin collecting and really likes Wheats.
2000 halves Sorted 0 Silver of any kind 97 marked coins of various colors
Should have a nice shinny Ryedale here tomarrow or Friday.
After about getting it up to about $500 in coppers in two weeks, I'm done with the manual 'human Rdale' experiment.
It's time to turn on the machine.
I've got an idea that I'm throwing at a possible investor to turn on 6 machines for about 5 hours a day.....should pull in about a little over 1.1M in over the next year.....Interested?