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3788 Posts

Posted - 02/09/2010 :  17:49:42  Show Profile Send jadedragon a Private Message
I am really saddened to have to write this post.

Recent drama requires that we spell out what constitutes acceptable forum behavior and clarify what types of behavior are not acceptable.

Realcent is:
1. Free to join and free to remain a member of
2. Ad free thanks to our member sponsors
3. Free speech oriented
4. Tolerant of alternative view points
5. A supportive caring community of individuals interested in coins, base and precious metals, economics, and trading among ourselves.
6. 100% volunteer run
7. A place where we value and promote member run businesses and other ventures. (look how we dealt with worldcent).

Look around - a lot of forums do NOT have these great features.

To protect our unique community, please understand that Realcent is NOT a place to:

1. Pick fights with other members
2. Mock or attempt to bait the volunteers who make Realcent possible.
3. Promote illegal actions
4. Promote racism or hatred against other identifiable groups (the FED excepted)
5. Make dozens or hundreds of meaningless posts that annoy others and do not add anything to the conversation
6. Spam
7. Create multiple accounts for your multiple personalities. (update Feb 27/10)

Becoming and remaining a Realcent member requires you to accept that:

1. You are not part of a democracy in the forum - this is an actively managed forum with a strong team of volunteer moderators who keep it a friendly, spam free environment. It is an open club but you can be removed from Realcent at any time.

2. You have no right to free speech or unlimited posting here. If you want to say whatever you want go get a free blogger account or even a free forumco forum and post away for whoever wants to read your ideas.

3. While some members support the US Constitution it does not apply to this internationally based private forum (we are hosted in Ireland, moderated from both the US and Canada, and we are a private club who happens to make a good part of the discussion visible on the web)

Anyone is welcome to come post as much as you like as long as you are willing to be adult enough to respect what makes Realcent the great place that attracted you here. If you don't respect the standards our members have developed and come to expect, please leave now or face removal.

Well we welcome constructive suggestions, we will not take abuse. If you can run a better forum go set up your own. If it's great maybe some of us will join you.

Ardent put it very well in the 2 cent thread back in 2008:

"The terms of service apply to everyone. We try not to lock anyone's account without giving them a fair warning. But everyone please consider this fair warning that You must be logged in to see this link. in general. Members... can disagree with our coin hoarding or any other opinon posted here. But once they resort to insults, threats or name calling in an attempt to make their point then the line has been crossed."

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw.
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2856 Posts

Posted - 02/10/2010 :  19:26:20  Show Profile Send fb101 a Private Message
Thanks, Jade. Makes it all clear to me.

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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 02/27/2010 :  18:03:55  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
The Acceptable Forum Behavior policy is being enforced. Fair warning was given. Realcent regrets any inconvenience you may have experienced recently but we believe the situation has been rectified. disclosure. Please read.
All posts either by the members, moderators, and the administration of are for your edification and amusement only. It is not the intent of or its host to provide investment, medical, matrimonial, legal, security or tax advice and nothing posted here should be considered to be so. All rights reserved.

Think positive.
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