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Penny Collector Member

404 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  19:37:11  Show Profile Send Mcprice302 a Private Message

At 1:17-1:23, the man is saying that the pins on the processors are only gold. Does that mean they are solid gold? I've been saving up boards and processors for a little while now in hopes of gathering up enough to sell one day. I clipped a couple of pins off some random ones I have and ,under 16x magnification, I could only see gold and no other metal or filler. If the processor's pins are solid gold, I would rather clip these off and maybe send them to Market Harmony to be made into bars. If they are indeed solid gold and he would accept them that is. Does anyone know if this is the truth, and Market Harmony, would you be willing to refine them?

Market Harmony
1000+ Penny Miser Member

1274 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  19:47:17  Show Profile Send Market Harmony a Private Message
Originally posted by Mcprice302
... If the processor's pins are solid gold, I would rather clip these off and maybe send them to Market Harmony to be made into bars. If they are indeed solid gold and he would accept them that is. Does anyone know if this is the truth, and Market Harmony, would you be willing to refine them?

Sure thing. I'll be happy to do it. In fact, you will not have to clip them off of the processors. You can just send the processor chips to me and I'll handle the rest. I can settle in cash or bullion. It's up to you.

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Penny Collector Member

293 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  20:02:53  Show Profile Send billo a Private Message
Really neat. How many processors does it take to make a gold piece?

That's not a dollar, mate...THIS is a dollar.
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Penny Collector Member

404 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  20:59:25  Show Profile Send Mcprice302 a Private Message

Sure thing. I'll be happy to do it. In fact, you will not have to clip them off of the processors. You can just send the processor chips to me and I'll handle the rest. I can settle in cash or bullion. It's up to you.

Awesome! I've got about a dozen more to break down still, and I'll probably be sending some sterling with it as well. If I can get up enough in time, expect some 10K and 14K also. I'll PM you when I gather up the next flat rate box full. Thanks!
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Penny Pincher Member

154 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  21:31:07  Show Profile Send giddyup99 a Private Message
They are not solid gold, just gold plated. I believe you'd have to have quite a pile of them to get a meaningful amount of gold. Many of our scrap electronics have gold plated connectors and pins. Older CPUs have the highest concentration gold in them. The P2's and P3's seem to be sought after.

I think I remember it being about $3-$4 worth of gold in each processor.

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.
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