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 2 headed half dollar?
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Penny Pincher Member

183 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2009 :  21:14:12  Show Profile Send rainsonme a Private Message
VERY VERY strange. After about 7,000 silverless halfs, I finally found a 1968-D in a roll. Odd thing is, it's a 1968-D on both sides. This has to be a fake, but I cannot see any cut line. The ribs (whatever they are called) are all perfectly intact. The copper-clad vs siler line meanders as it generally does on 40%'s. This should have some value, because if its a fake, it is EXTREMELY well done. It just isn't possible to mint a 2-headed coin, is it?

Penny Pincher Member

183 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2009 :  21:47:58  Show Profile Send rainsonme a Private Message
I think this is the answer, from a web site You must be logged in to see this link. :
The way that fake two-headed and two-tailed coins are made isn't what you'd expect, which is why many people who find them are reluctant to accept the truth about them. They are not made by cutting two coins in half and then sticking the halves together, which is why you won't see a seam along the edge giving the coin away. Instead, two-headed coins are made by hollowing out the center of one coin, leaving the reeded edge and heads side intact, and then shaving down a second coin so that it fits snugly inside the shell of the first. You need a fair amount of skill at metalworking to accomplish this, not to mention all of the proper tools, but the result is a clever deception that is hard to detect with the naked eye.

How to Detect the Seam of a Two-Headed Coin
If you use a strong magnifying glass to look very carefully along the rim of the two-headed coin's face, on one side or the other you'll see a very fine line around the circumference of the coin. This line isn't on the edge of the coin; it's actually on the front (or back,) very close to the rim. This is where the shaved down coin was inserted into the hollow shell of the other.
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Dumpster Diver
Penny Collector Member

474 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2009 :  21:49:57  Show Profile Send Dumpster Diver a Private Message
Magician's find.

"You're not really gonna throw that out...are you"?

Edited by - Dumpster Diver on 12/01/2009 21:50:22
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Penny Pincher Member

183 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2009 :  21:57:24  Show Profile Send rainsonme a Private Message
Well, I still can't see the seam, but I can probably talk a friend into putting it under a SEM, and I bet it'll look like the grand canyon. If the file size isn't too large, I'll try to post a SEM picture of the seam, versius a picture of the coin at 1x.
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Penny Collector Member

388 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2009 :  23:49:42  Show Profile Send myfundsarelow a Private Message
hi all, i also have one 1776/1976 bicentennial two headed half dollar looks good to me, if its a fake that guy who doctered the coin should apply to the mint for a job. KEEP HUNTING a lot of good stuff out there PEACE!!
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2533 Posts

Posted - 12/01/2009 :  23:59:55  Show Profile Send slickeast a Private Message
Yeah. Lets see some pics. The seam will be on the inside edge of the lip on the side that it was inserted in. There are a lot of talented metal workers out there. You just have to have the right tools and know what you are doing.

You don't have to be the BEST you just have to be.......SLICK

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Penny Hoarding Member

669 Posts

Posted - 12/02/2009 :  00:15:02  Show Profile Send JerrySpringer a Private Message
A good drop on a wooden surface may separate the coin halves. I had a magicians coin come into my possession a while back only because the coin sorter physically shocked the coin enough to split it apart. Otherwise, I would of missed the coin and it would of just stayed with all the other coins that got sorted and counted.
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Penny Pincher Member

183 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2009 :  22:43:36  Show Profile Send rainsonme a Private Message
In an odd coincidence, I found my 2nd of these 2 headed coins today, this one a clad. One side has a very sharp edge, where it was milled. I was told these would be relatively easy to make, using CNC mill and cad-nav software. I will post some pictures next week at 1x and at whatever magnification it takes to show the seam under the rim.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1304 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2009 :  22:52:16  Show Profile Send oober a Private Message
From my year of sorting I have found 3 magic coins. They are out there....
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Dumpster Diver
Penny Collector Member

474 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  19:14:35  Show Profile Send Dumpster Diver a Private Message
Here's a magician's Peace dollar...

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I wonder how many of these I've missed not looking at the reverse...

"You're not really gonna throw that out...are you"?
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