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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2009 :  20:26:39  Show Profile Send knibloe a Private Message
I was at a show selling honey today. We sell 1# for $4.50. I like to give half dollars back in change. Most people act like they won the lottery when they get one.

Today a lady rolled up her nose at it and requested two quarters instead. Freak!!

I didn't roll up my nose at her paper money

Edited by - knibloe on 12/04/2009 20:27:50

1000+ Penny Miser Member

1197 Posts

Posted - 12/04/2009 :  23:18:20  Show Profile Send NDFARMER a Private Message
you should have give her 50 zincers instead.

COPPER - the "poormans" precious metal!!!

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721 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2009 :  11:31:23  Show Profile Send barrytrot a Private Message
Trust me, if you gave me a half dollar I would prefer the 2 quarters also.

A half dollar is worth less than 2 quarters in every conceivable fashion. It can't be used in hardly any vending machines or even most "toll roads".

So don't be surprised when people ask (politely I'm sure) for something they can actually use.

You calling her a freak is uncalled for and wrong in this case since she wanted "good funds" and not a half dollar that can only be used in select transactions.
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721 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2009 :  11:32:50  Show Profile Send barrytrot a Private Message
Originally posted by barrytrot

Trust me, if you gave me a half dollar I would prefer the 2 quarters also.

A half dollar is worth less than 2 quarters in every conceivable fashion. It can't be used in hardly any vending machines or even most "toll roads". Even my local grocery store refused a half dollar one time!

So don't be surprised when people ask (politely I'm sure) for something they can actually use.

You calling her a freak is uncalled for and wrong in this case since she wanted "good funds" and not a half dollar that can only be used in select transactions.

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1000+ Penny Miser Member

1066 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2009 :  22:06:34  Show Profile Send knibloe a Private Message
Originally posted by barrytrot

Trust me, if you gave me a half dollar I would prefer the 2 quarters also.

A half dollar is worth less than 2 quarters in every conceivable fashion. It can't be used in hardly any vending machines or even most "toll roads".

So don't be surprised when people ask (politely I'm sure) for something they can actually use.

You calling her a freak is uncalled for and wrong in this case since she wanted "good funds" and not a half dollar that can only be used in select transactions.

Her reaction may have been very practical. However, I still maintain that it is not normal. I made the same transaction many times over today.I had dozens of people who were thrilled to have gotten the half dollar back in change which is why I give them out. I don't give them out to dump them, because I could do that much easier in a single transaction at the bank.

That said you have some very valid points and I am truely humbled by them.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2533 Posts

Posted - 12/05/2009 :  23:00:32  Show Profile Send slickeast a Private Message
I spend the halves that get rejected from the machine when I dump. Either from being too worn or are bent. I will buy a drink at the gas station. Some will look at it all funny and ask what it is.

Our local phone/cable tv provider will give you a half dollar if your change is 50 cents or more. I think everyone in town is use to seeing them.

You don't have to be the BEST you just have to be.......SLICK

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3788 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  01:26:02  Show Profile Send jadedragon a Private Message
In a Canadian credit union I saw a teller refuse to accept a Canadian 1/2 from a little kid saving for Disney Land. Said is was not legal tender anymore (untrue). I bought it off the kid. I'm not surprised people refuse to accept 1/2s sometimes. I lived in the US for University and have traveled in 46 states plus territories and I have never once seen a 1/2 in circulation and never realized they existed until I found realcent. The only 1/2's I've handled are from asking at banks and buying silver ones.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw.
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1000+ Penny Miser Member

2648 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  03:43:55  Show Profile Send highroller4321 a Private Message
I wouldnt call her a freak because most people dont even know what they are!

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Penny Collector Member

451 Posts

Posted - 12/06/2009 :  08:16:26  Show Profile Send Hirbonzig a Private Message
The downfall of the half dollar coin began with the new JFK design in 1964. Before 1964 the half was a popular coin and used often. After Kennedy was killed everyone wanted a keepsake of some kind. The new half dollar was minted in huge numbers to fill everyones need for these keepsakes. The half dollar was now a coin to be hoarded as a keepsake and for its silver content. The half dollar eventually disappeared from everyday use.

The only place I come across halves are in casinos and my local scrap yard hands them out in change.
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