You have undoubtedly noticed the new forum category and topics (forums) within it. Also, we welcome AGgressive Metal into the realcent admin team.
AGgressive Metal proved in setting up the worldcent forum that many of our members are also interested in international coins and currency. We have agreed to create the key topics from worldcent within realcent. AGgressive Metal will be providing leadership in the new Category.
The long standing "Numismatics (Coin Collecting)" forum has been renamed to cover USA coins only and moved to the new Category. I just set up the basic Category but expect some tweaking as we roll out the new topics.
These changes will simplify our lives because we will not need to check two forums all the time.
We also hope to attract a broader coin collector base with this new area. Realcent is already highly ranked in the search engines, so the international coin topics should get more search traffic within Realcent than in a separate new forum.
Worldcent will continue to exist, but with a different mission. We are designating it as the backup forum for Realcent. If Realcent goes down for any reason please go to worldcent to find out what is happening.
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