1000+ Penny Miser Member
2209 Posts |
Posted - 01/05/2007 : 18:34:44
On Nightly Business Report on PBS 1/5/2007
They ran a story of the traffic gridlock China is suffering from so much growth. Additional cars and buses on the roads only makes matters worse. China is now increasing regional rail lines to ease traffic congestion. There is also talk and plans for nation wide rail lines in China.
More train cars, more track, more electric trains, all this means is more demand for copper & nickel (via stainless steel).
Metals are down for now, but denamd overseas isn't going away. The pessimistic talk about metals prices is just like the pessimistic talk about the price of oil. Mild winters mean less demand for home heating oil, but does that mean there will be less of a demand for gasoline in the summer? Investors are not looking long term or mid term, or even short term for that matter. They are looking blink-of-an-eye term, and that is too short a timeframe to make an educated decision on any market.
We will see what the metals and oil will do come springtime, until then, good profits to one and all.