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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2006 :  17:14:29  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
So I had to get a roll of quarters for the float in the store today. I went to the bank, and decided to look through the roll on my way home and, if I found a silver quater, to save get together $500 and buy a box of quarters to search.

Well, I found three! All three are 1968 50% silvers, which, as I've mentioned, are the only silver coins I've been finding, mostly since people usually only pull 1967 and earlier .800 coins.

According to coinflation, 1968 quarters have $1.17 US worth of silver in them, or call it $1.25 canadian, meaning the total value of the roll I bought is somewhere around $13, and I paid $10. Not quite as profitable as $10 worth of mixed nickels (assuming 20% .999NI) but still value for money, plus the fact that I think silver is going to go higher faster than nickel has.

Anyway, if you're in Canada, you may want to start going through dime and quarter rolls - there are still silvers out there, if you know that you're looking for 1968 .500's


146 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2006 :  21:30:32  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
I occasionally get quarter rolls from the bank, simply because it wastes a lot less bills when I'm making purchases.

Never got any silver, but here's an interesting story about a roll of quarters I just got today. This roll of quarters was filled with tons of state quarters, many in really good condition. I wonder if someone got bored and deposited their collection. I gave a bunch to my sister, she collects the state quarters.


"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens." -John Maynard Keynes
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143 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  01:38:53  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
CN, i think your area is full of treasures in the coin change; i've acquired maybe 500 rolls of quarters from branches of royalbank here in vancouver for the last 3 years, for the cashier job i am working, and i only found 1 silver quarter(pure silver minted in the 90's not meant to be circulated, probably stolen by kids from dad's collection), and 1 silver dime;

i hope i will have more luck like you

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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2006 :  20:24:57  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
I searched another 2 rolls of quarters today. One was empty, the other had 2 '68s
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Forum Admin

246 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2006 :  21:35:17  Show Profile Send realcent a Private Message
I really, really hate to be the one to say this, but any quarter after 1964 has NO silver in it at all. None, nada, zilch.

For more copper cent hoarding information check out:
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Penny Hoarding Member

938 Posts

Posted - 09/09/2006 :  23:56:58  Show Profile Send Canadian_Nickle a Private Message
Canadian quarter
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143 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2006 :  05:33:25  Show Profile Send n/a a Private Message
why did it take the royal canadian mint so long to take silver out of minting circulation coins?
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New Member

24 Posts

Posted - 01/14/2007 :  05:34:07  Show Profile Send LarryB a Private Message
I too have found a number of '68 quarters in rolls over the last ten years. My trick is, I get them only from the "small" town banks just outside of Ottawa where I live. Lots of these little towns have a lot of old people living in them and their eyesight can't be as good as it used to be, so they miss more good dates than folks with good eyes would. I've even pulled the odd '63 and '65 quarter out of them, which they must have seen as '83 and '85? Also, the wrappers themselves usually give me a hint they may contain silver. They are always hand rolled and usually look poorly wrapped and or beat up. Recently I even found a 1917, one shilling coin which, if you look quick, looks alot like a quarter and that leads me to believe that maybe some of these old folks sort by coin SIZE, not by dates.

So boys, 2 tricks; old people and very small towns, can lead you perhaps to more silver.

The moral of the story? DON'T stop looking just yet. Just change your tactics a little...


Gettin' Rich... Slowly

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