I've been taking some scrap to the dealers around me trying to get the best price and they all seem to be the most unfriendly, unprofessional people I've ever dealt with. Is this typical?
How would you like to work in a junk yard? If you think they are bad, keep away form their junk yard dog! I think they put on that act to try get a better price from you. Next time put on your worst clothes, don't take a bath for 3 days, don't brush your teeth and don't shave for a week. If you swear a lot that helps too.
________________________ If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it. -Napoleon Hill
I'm talking about the owners of the scrap yard...the ones who make the decision as to what you get for your metal. You know, the guy with the fancy watch and gold chains?
I do see your point........dealing with crack heads looting houses for copper tube and bringing it to you in a stolen shopping cart can make you somewhat jaded.
I told the one guy that I was in the wrong line of work and I need to start a scrap metal yard because of the high prices. He actually told me that they make MORE when prices are LOW because there is less price competition from other dealers. I mentioned something about volume making up for this and he went mute. These guys are filthy rich. At least the owners.