Anybody out there know of a good source for lead and lead/tin. The tire shops around here have to be environmentally compliant and so they cannot keep wheel weights. Like wise batteries are no good for the purpose I am using the metal for (Bullets). Any thoughts would be appreciated.
If you scrap steel.. throw it in with the steel and get the weight for it. I don't know much about lead other than its All the best with it.
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If you scrap steel.. throw it in with the steel and get the weight for it. I don't know much about lead other than its All the best with it.
Actually you need to keep it separate. I get only 6 cents a pound for steel here, but will get 25 cents for lead items, including wheel weights. I have around 30 lbs that I have hoarded, and will take it in when I have around 100 lbs.
My father is coming out with a 5 gallon bucket of wheel weights this weekend. Approximately 200lbs for $40. What I am after is other items that may contain lead that are normally found in everyday items.