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5580 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2010 :  06:30:39  Show Profile Send Nickelless a Private Message
I ran by Walmart on my way home earlier to pick up a few things that I realized I hadn't gotten yet but had been meaning to for some time--for starters, I got 12 12-oz. containers of Ovaltine (great on oatmeal, in case I'm not in the mood for You must be logged in to see this link. --and it's a nice treat for kids who might be at your retreat) and 16 24-oz. canisters of raisins. I also picked up another 10 42-oz. containers of oatmeal to add to the stash. I plan to transfer the Ovaltine to mason jars tonight and will use the Ovaltine canisters to store ammo or other precious metals in. And even though the dates on the raisin canisters indicates a shelf life of about 15 months, I'm going to transfer them to mylar bags.

One thing I noticed yesterday when I called Sam's Club to check on raisin prices is that on certain things--raisins and oatmeal among those things--the prices are pretty darn close to Walmart's prices for the same product. In those cases, I'm happy to shell out a few more cents at Wally World for the sake of anonymously paying cash versus having my Sam's Club card scanned. Not that I'm worried (yet) about the gubbermint hiring Sam's Club to track down everyone who might be "hoarding" food from the place, but paying cash and not having to show ID is a nice tradeoff for the sake of paying just a little more. Milk is another item that seems to have comparable prices between Sam's and Walmart, but nobody really stocks up on gallons and gallons of milk.

When I got up to the cashier, she saw all of my breakfasty stuff and asked me if I had a tax-exempt card (probably thinking I was with a local charity). I told her no, that I was just really hungry for breakfast. But there's no sales tax on food items in my state anyway, so it didn't make a difference. The total on everything was just $109.52--$3.82 each on the Ovaltine, $2.58 each for the raisins and $2.24 each on the oatmeal.

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--Latest article: Stocking up on spices to keep food preps lively


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Penny Pincher Member

227 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2010 :  08:50:57  Show Profile Send caridad a Private Message
we're hungry for breakfast too. lol. great post. thanks

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Numis Pam
Penny Sorter Member

63 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2010 :  09:57:09  Show Profile Send Numis Pam a Private Message
Hey you should be using coupons with all those purchases... are you??? If not, you need to sign up with mypoints with my referal id and print off all the coupons you need... and get points to redeem for walmart or many other gift certicates. If your interested, PM for my referal link.. 1% -27% cash back on purchases. Plus Refer Friends and Get $5 to Spend at Ebay or any of hundreds of participating online stores.
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5580 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2010 :  12:13:16  Show Profile Send Nickelless a Private Message
Thanks for the tip, Numis Pam. Are there coupons available even for Walmart-brand products? Their store-brand stuff is pretty darn cheap already.

Visit my new preparedness site:
--Latest article: Stocking up on spices to keep food preps lively


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