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5580 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2010 :  02:18:00  Show Profile Send Nickelless a Private Message
At my fiancee's insistence I watched the show "Wife Swap" with her tonight (the show was better than I expected and not like the name sounds), and actually I was intrigued when I heard that one of the families on tonight's episode was obsessed with 2012. Unfortunately, that family IMO gives a bad name to those of us who are trying not to leave our common sense behind as we stock up and prepare for pretty rough times ahead. The parents made their kids come home immediately after school every day "just in case something happens." They wouldn't let the kids participate in sports because 2012-oriented tasks were much more important and made them participate in regular hazmat-suit drills in the backyard. They even had a dry-erase marker board in the kitchen counting down the number of days until 12-21-12!! These people really didn't seem to have much of a connection to what was right in front of their faces. I mean, sure, they have their survival food stash (which looked like cases of MREs) under the stairs, but really, making your kids wear "survival packs" with them everywhere they go?

Don't get me wrong, I've got nearly a year's worth of food on hand for both me and my fiancee (trying to add a month's worth of food every two weeks), I've got a steadily growing ammo stash (need more range time, though) and I hang out online with really smart people at GIM and a couple other sites and read stories on a couple dozen news sites a day to try to read between the "official" news stories and see what's really happening, but c'mon, what are the odds of a particular family in a particular neighborhood needing hazmat suits for the entire family on any given day? You're more likely to encounter hungry, angry mobs ransacking houses for food in most SHTF situations that I can imagine, because most people like to eat every day.

Until this past year, there was a Cold War-era stash of VX nerve gas at a military depot about 40 miles away from where I live. In the event of a VX leak (not to worry, all the VX at that location has now been neutralized), residents in close proximity to the depot received an automated warning and were expected to have enough time to seal up the doors and windows in their residences with, I'm guessing, plastic sheeting or other such material. But being 40 miles downwind, there would either be a lot of dead people between my house and that depot by the time the VX reached me, or the gas would dissipate into a dilute-enough concentration that it wouldn't be an issue outside of the immediate area of the depot. I can't imagine what any one family imagines it might encounter that it needs hazmat suits and drills for their entire family...unless they all had bad bean burritos for dinner.

But seriously, that family on TV tonight really give a bad name for those of us who haven't lost our common sense and are trying to prepare for the most likely SHTF scenarios based upon our life situations. Since my fiancee is disabled, I'm not in a position to bug-out except in the most extreme circumstances, so we're going to keep prepping and keep stocking up right here while keeping our jobs and not losing our minds.

I'll try to find a link for the episode, if it's been posted online yet.

EDIT: I almost forgot another very important detail--this family had bought everything on credit and didn't plan to keep on paying after, of course, the world ends in 2012. WHAT KIND OF PREPPERS BUY EVERYTHING ON CREDIT????

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Penny Hoarding Member

672 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2010 :  12:52:11  Show Profile Send aloneibreak a Private Message
one of the joys of not having tv is that i miss out on reality crap shows like this

now even though this family must have been a bit extreme, and not very smart about it either, it does make people who are trying to prepare look bad.

and thats what the media wants to portray right? bunch of crazy kooks who think that there might be a need someday to have food stored up and a plan in place.

theyre gonna be in for a mean surprise when the sun rises as always on 12-22-12.

good luck with those credit card payments !

My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.
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Ardent Listener

4841 Posts

Posted - 07/10/2010 :  19:27:37  Show Profile Send Ardent Listener a Private Message
I can see Nickelless' point but I can see yours too. IMO, you can't live your life on red alert all the time. On the other hand the media likes to make anyone who tries to think for themselves and thinks ahead as an extremist. Anyone ever see the show Hoarders? IMO those folks do have a problem. But I'm waiting for the episode when they feature a prep or even a penny hoarder. disclosure. Please read.
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Penny Pincher Member

112 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2010 :  19:39:19  Show Profile Send beercritic a Private Message
I want to see a show about a prepper in a small community, faced with disaster (say an ice storm) with a few neighbors around. I want to see footage of store shelves being wiped clean. Pan back to the prepper assisting the neighbors and setting up a community watch. Show these folks in relatively comfortable settings, big pot of stew on the stove, sitting around and relaxing, while everyone else is panicked.

Think folks might consider stocking a weeks worth of food after seeing such relative comfort, amongst the suffering masses?

Me neither.


The last official act of any government is the looting of the nation.
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5580 Posts

Posted - 08/10/2010 :  23:14:58  Show Profile Send Nickelless a Private Message
Originally posted by beercritic

I want to see a show about a prepper in a small community, faced with disaster (say an ice storm) with a few neighbors around. I want to see footage of store shelves being wiped clean. Pan back to the prepper assisting the neighbors and setting up a community watch. Show these folks in relatively comfortable settings, big pot of stew on the stove, sitting around and relaxing, while everyone else is panicked.

Think folks might consider stocking a weeks worth of food after seeing such relative comfort, amongst the suffering masses?

Me neither.

Why not look up videos like that on YouTube and splice together a "show" like that yourself? I think it'd be extremely educational and hopefully wake up some sheeple. There are plenty of videos of empty grocery shelves from last winter's "Snowmageddon" on the East Coast. Start with that and see what you can come up with. Or post links on here and maybe someone else will put something like that together from the different video links.

Visit my new preparedness site:
--Latest article: Stocking up on spices to keep food preps lively


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New Member

17 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2010 :  22:56:55  Show Profile Send justoneguy a Private Message
my wife was telling our freinds about my preps.
then she was telling them c'mon by, we'll feed you all.
till she started watching a reality show called "the colony"
now she's starting to understand wtshtf it might be quite a while
until things get better. any ideas on how to get neighbors to forget??
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Penny Pincher Member

143 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2010 :  23:34:33  Show Profile Send stateofmind a Private Message
That show is ridiculous. Neighbors forget with time: whenever the latest happens on some celebrity cheating, getting arrested for shoplifting, etc.

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"There are people who are very resourceful, at being remorseful, and who apparently feel that the best way to make friends is to do something terrible and then make amends."
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