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Penny Collector Member

315 Posts

Posted - 06/28/2010 :  17:57:08  Show Profile  Send brian0918 an AOL message Send brian0918 a Private Message
I started searching nickels for the first time this week. My first box yielded a war nickel and a bunch of rarer S varieties, so I was amped up.

I got a second box today, and the first 3/4 was miserable. Then I see an Indian staring back at me and my motivation returns. Dateless, but still feels great.

Searching through the rest of the box, I find two war nickels! '43-P and '45-S. I also found an AU '57.

So now I'm hooked. I've got two more boxes coming this week.

"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand

Searched: $2230 Nickels; Liberty: 1; Buffalo: 4; War: 20; 2009: 2; 2010D: 8

Penny Collector Member

413 Posts

Posted - 06/28/2010 :  19:13:16  Show Profile Send Roadrunner a Private Message
Nice score! I've only bagged three hides in my probably 25 boxes sorted. I'm just wondering how "the first 3/4 was miserable" for a nickel box. It's normal for a WHOLE box to have no wars, no buffs, no V's, no key date Jeffs, no proofs, etc. I went $400+ in nickels recently without anything before finding a war. Sorry for my rant, I guess I just needed to vent my frustration with the absolute patheticness of the last several boxes.
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Penny Collector Member

315 Posts

Posted - 06/28/2010 :  19:23:39  Show Profile  Send brian0918 an AOL message Send brian0918 a Private Message
Originally posted by Roadrunner

Nice score! I've only bagged three hides in my probably 25 boxes sorted. I'm just wondering how "the first 3/4 was miserable" for a nickel box. It's normal for a WHOLE box to have no wars, no buffs, no V's, no key date Jeffs, no proofs, etc. I went $400+ in nickels recently without anything before finding a war. Sorry for my rant, I guess I just needed to vent my frustration with the absolute patheticness of the last several boxes.

Well, by "miserable" I mean almost no pre-1964. I guess from my first box I was expecting a lot more. Thanks for bringing my expectations back down to reality.

"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand

Searched: $2230 Nickels; Liberty: 1; Buffalo: 4; War: 20; 2009: 2; 2010D: 8

Edited by - brian0918 on 06/28/2010 19:24:54
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